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Be sure to read the Course Schedule in its entirety and make note of assignment due dates, etc.

Any assigned reading listed for a particular date should be read prior to that day’s class session. For instance, the assigned reading from the Tar Heel Writing Guide, 2020-20201 (THWG) of Chapter 2-1 is listed for Thurs. Jan. 21. This means that students should come to class on Thurs. Jan. 21 having completed that reading and ready to discuss it.

All drafts and other homework (including final drafts submitted for a grade) are due by 12:00pm on the date listed. For example, the Rough Draft of Feeder 1.1 is listed below on Tues. Feb. 2. This means that you must submit it by 12:00pm on Tues. Feb. 2. For clarification purposes, see the “Assignment Due Dates” section listed above. Any time you submit a draft, assume that we will workshop that draft in groups or partners that day in class, so always come to class ready to discuss your draft and provide thoughtful feedback to your peers on their draft.


Week 1

Tues. Jan. 19:  

  • FDOC; first class session for ENGL 105i, Sec 025
  • Introduction to the course; syllabus overview

Thurs. Jan. 21:  

  • Rhetorical contexts and the writing process
  • Due by 12:00pm: Your signed Student Work Release Form for our course website (Sakai>Resources>Course Website Resources; email it to me at
  • Assigned reading:
    • ENGL 105i, Section 025 Course Syllabus
    • THWG “Introduction”
    • THWG Ch. 2-1: “Understanding Rhetorical Knowledge through Genre Awareness”
    • THWG Ch. 2-2: “The Writing Process”
    • Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott (Sakai>Resources>Readings)


Week 2

Tues. Jan. 26:  

  • Begin Unit 1: Writing in the Medical Sciences
  • Due by 12:00pm: Complete the UNC Libraries Plagiarism Tutorial (have proof of your completion of this tutorial forwarded to me via email at
  • Assigned reading:
    • THWG Ch. 1-6: “Writing in Health & Medicine”
    • THWG Ch. 1-1: “Writing in the Natural Sciences”

Thurs. Jan. 28:

  • Library day (class meets virtually with a research librarian)
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 1.1 Topics (forum post)
  • Assigned reading: THWG Ch. 2-3: “Conducting Primary & Secondary Research”


Week 3

Tues. Feb. 2:

  • Research: evaluating and integrating outside sources
  • Best practices for peer feedback and workshopping
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 1.1 Rough Draft (forum post)
  • Assigned reading:

Thurs. Feb. 4: 


Week 4

Tues. Feb. 9:

  • Asynchronous class session
  • The structure of scholarly discourse vs. narrative discourse
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 1.2 Rough Draft (forum post)
  • Assigned reading: “Anatomy of a Scholarly Article” from NCSU

Thurs. Feb. 11:  

  • Looking at genre models for popular health articles
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 1.2 Final Draft, for a grade (Sakai>Assignments)


Week 5

Tues. Feb. 16:             

  • Wellness Day (no classes held)

Thurs. Feb. 18:

  • Grammar, punctuation, local errors, and proofreading
  • Due by 12:00pm:
    • Unit Project 1 Rough Draft (forum post)
    • Find at least one image of a (preferably funny) local error and email it to me at You can find these either online or preferably in real life and then photographed by you.
  • Assigned reading: “Grammar and Parts of Speech” PowerPoint (Sakai>Resources>Readings)


Week 6

Tues. Feb. 23: 

  • Grammar continued; sentence structure; paragraph structure
  • Assigned reading:
    • THWG Ch. 2-6: “Preparing an e-Portfolio”
    • “Sentence Structure” PowerPoint (Sakai>Resources>Readings)

Thurs. Feb. 25:

  • Begin Unit 2: Writing in the Social Health Sciences
  • In-class reflections on UP1; choose UP2 topics in class
  • Due by 12:00pm: UP1 Final Draft, for a grade (post to the course website)
  • Assigned reading: THWG Ch. 1-2: “Writing in the Social Sciences”


Week 7

Tues. March 2:

  • Research questions and health (in)justice
  • Due by 12:00pm: UP2 Tentative RQ (forum post)
  • Assigned reading:

Thurs. March 4:

  • Thesis statements; observations and interviews
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 2.1 Rough Draft (forum post)


Week 8

Tues. March 9:

  • Editing/condensing text; conference proposals and abstracts
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 2.1 Final Draft, for a grade (Sakai>Assignments)

Thurs. March 11:

  • Wellness Day (no classes held)


Week 9

Tues. March 16:

  • Descriptions and detail; word choice/diction, style, and tone
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 2.2 Rough Draft (forum post)

Thurs. March 18:

  • Looking at genre models for health justice studies
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 2.2 Final Draft, for a grade (Sakai>Assignments)


Week 10

Tues. March 23:

  • Oral communication and presentation strategies
  • Assigned reading: THWG Ch. 2-4: “Publishing & Presenting Your Research”

Thurs. March 25:

  • Writing introductions and conclusions
  • Due by 12:00pm: Unit Project 2, Draft 1 (forum post)


Week 11

Tues. March 30:

  • Continued work on UP2; review earlier material
  • Due by 12:00pm: Unit Project 2, Draft 2 (forum post)

Thurs. April 1:

  • Begin Unit 3: Writing in the Health Humanities
  • In-class reflections on UP2; choose UP3 topics in class
  • Due by 12:00pm: UP2 Final Draft script, for a grade (post to the course website); video is due by 12:00pm Sat. April 3
  • Assigned reading:
    • THWG Ch. 1-3: “Writing in the Humanities”
    • Health Humanities Reader “Introduction” (Sakai>Resources>Unit 3)

Sat. April 3:

  • Due by 12:00pm: UP2 Final Draft video presentation, for a grade (embed video into your UP2 course website post above your script)


Week 12

Tues. April 6:

  • How to close read a text
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 3.1 Rough Draft (forum post)
  • Assigned reading:

Thurs. April 8:

  • Thesis statements, claims, and arguments; literary analysis
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 3.1 Final Draft, for a grade (Sakai>Assignments)


Week 13

Tues. April 13:

  • Looking at genre models for literary analyses

Thurs. April 15: 

  • Digital literacy and visual literacy; multimedia compositions
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 3.2 Rough Draft (forum post)
  • Assigned reading: THWG Ch. 2-5: “Digital Literacy”


Week 14

Tues. April 20:

  • Looking at genre models for engaging video essays
  • Due by 12:00pm: Feeder 3.2 Final Draft, for a grade (Sakai>Assignments)

Thurs. April 22:

  • How to capture and edit audio and video footage
  • Due by 12:00pm: Unit Project 3 Storyboard (forum post)


Week 15

Tues. April 27:

  • Creative writing/narrative structure/narrative medicine
  • Writing in business (resumes and cover letters)
  • Continue work on footage collection/editing for UP3 in class

Thurs. April 29:

  • Comparing writing in the disciplines
  • Due by 12:00pm: Unit Project 3 Rough Cut (forum post)


Week 16

Tues. May 4:

  • Final class session for ENGL 105i, Sec 025
  • In-class reflections on UP3
  • Course evaluations and transfer activities
  • Due by 12:00pm:
    • UP3 Final Draft, for a grade (post to the course website; embed video above your transcript)
    • All extra credit assignments


Again, there is no final exam for this course. Final grades for ENGL 105i, Sec 025 will be reported by 5:00pm on Fri. May 7.


Please Note:

Any references I make to specific times (class sessions, meetings, conferences, deadlines, etc.) will always be in eastern standard time. This applies to anything in this syllabus and anything I say in class, post to Sakai, send via email, etc. If you are studying remotely outside of that time zone, please calculate accordingly.

I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed, including assignment due dates or reading assignments as listed in the above Course Schedule. It is very likely that small secondary readings will be added to various days listed above. These changes will be announced and shared with the entire class as early as possible.

For every class session, I will post a lesson plan as a Google Doc on Sakai at Resources>In-Class Activities. You do not need to access these before each class, but you should have access to them during that class session and should refer to them afterwards, especially if you miss that class. The end of each lesson plan will list homework for the next class session. You should always refer to that document for any adjustments, additions, etc. to this Course Schedule.

All students are responsible for knowing and abiding by all policies, dates, and other expectations listed in this syllabus.



Note: This online iteration of the syllabus and schedule is the unofficial version of the course syllabus for Section 025 of ENGL 105i: Writing in Health and Medicine, Spring 2021, taught by Paul Blom at UNC. Some information, such as contact info or the links to our Zoom meeting rooms, has been redacted from this public, online version of the syllabus. The official syllabus for our specific section has been formally submitted to the University and is also available as a Word document on our Sakai course site under “Resources.” If you are a student, be sure to refer to the official version of the syllabus that has been shared with you for specific information such as links to Zoom meeting rooms, etc.


For more information about the course, especially a showcase of student work, explore the rest of this website.