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A Place to Open Up: Isolation, Despair and Alcohol

May 4, 2021

  Ernest Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well- Lighted Place”, originally published in the Scribner’s Magazine in 1933 and later in his book Winner Take Nothing, highlights a night at a cafe with multiple unnamed characters. Hemingway centers the short story around … Read more

Week 14: The Countdown Begins…

April 27, 2021

With only a few weeks to go, motivational burnout, fast-approaching deadlines and a mental countdown until the last final exam is most likely being felt by everyone. In ENGL 105i, the process of preparing and making the video essay is … Read more

Everyone Is Not Perfect, Mothers Are No Exception

February 25, 2021

Motherhood, a special journey for a woman’s body and a significant change to her lifestyle as she grows, cares and raises another life. However, would it be fair to assume that she was immediately ready for this responsibility? As the … Read more