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I think most of us can agree that this week felt as though it was never-ending. Many of our professors have been cramming in exams and projects, all due this week, before our four-day break. It has been overwhelming and stressful, but we made it through just as we manage to do every week. Tuesday was very refreshing with beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures. However, the rest of the week was dreary and frigid, and this certainly didn’t make the days pass by any faster.

Going into this week, I felt like I was on a high following the UNC versus Duke game. The game was a thrill despite the fact that the annual traditions that come with the rivalry weren’t the same as they usually are. The game was definitely a nice break from all of the school work that professors have been giving us. Apart from the basketball and the Super Bowl, I spent the rest of the weekend focusing on my schoolwork which included the Feeder 1.2 for ENGL 105i. In Feeder 1.2, I wrote about the methods of the study, the purpose of the research, the limitations of the research, the importance of the information, and any useful outside sources that could strengthen the argument of the primary study. I also explored NCSU’s “Anatomy of a Scholarly Article.” This was a very helpful source that I will refer back to throughout the semester as I continue to read, study, and write scholarly articles.

When Tuesday’s class rolled around, we dove into the basics of scholarly discourse: what a high-quality piece looks like, how it is structured, and how to evaluate it. We brainstormed some of the red flags to watch out for as we analyze scientific studies. After engaging in the discussion about scholarly discourse, we were placed into break out groups for the Feeder 1.2 workshop. As everyone in the class reviewed each other’s papers, we looked for both positive and negative aspects of the rough drafts. We left comments such as how well the writing flowed, if the grammar was correct, and if the bibliographies were constructed properly.

Following Tuesday’s class, I was left with brand new insight on how I could improve my draft. After a few touch-ups, I submitted the final copy of Feeder 1.2. With each class that passes by, I can feel my writing becoming stronger. With each new assignment, draft, and class discussion, I can feel myself becoming more confident with the material in this class. It is a powerful and satisfying sensation that overcomes me week in and week out. Between Tuesday and Thursday, each group was also assigned a popular health article to read and analyze in preparation for discussion on Thursday. When Thursday arrived, our group briefly discussed the content of an article about vaping, and we made an outline based off of the article. During this time, we looked at what information was mentioned, how often it was mentioned, and where in the text it was located. We also discussed the tone and style of the writing along with whether we believed the research was communicated in a neutral or biased manner. We transitioned our discussion into what kind of information is important to include in a popular health article. We established that any health article should contain any background information pertaining to the research, the relevance and importance of the study, the purpose and evidence gathered from the studies, the limitations, the ethical issues, the larger implications, and the way in which the public can address this issue. At the beginning of this unit, I felt overwhelmed and worried about the Unit Project 1 since I have never written anything resembling a popular health article. Luckily, our class discussions have helped me immensely in understanding how to construct my health article. The feeder assignments have also been very beneficial in keeping me on track, and they are the primary reason that I feel prepared for Unit Project 1.

Ever since the workload started to pick up a couple weeks ago, I could feel myself getting pulled into the same overwhelming day-to-day routine as last semester. I get up early and go the gym to refresh my mind and body. Following this, I head straight into Zoom to attend either class or office hours all day. Although my schedule is stressful, just as it is for most other people, I am very relieved to have two wellness days coming up. Having this short break will certainly allow me to take a minute and just catch my breath which is something that I really need right now.

-Ellie Geiselhart


Featured Image Source:

UNC-Chapel Hill. 2020. Rainy Commute to Class. Twitter,

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