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Reflecting on Week 8

October 13, 2021

This week – well, this week and a half – was hectic, to say the least. In the last two classes, we were involved in workshopping the rough draft we submitted, evaluating thesis statements and condensing text. We also discussed … Read more

Final Preparations for the Unit One Project

September 26, 2021

As a new resident in the Chapel Hill area, I experienced my first taste of fall this week – both literally and metaphorically. Although the leaves have not yet begun to turn colors, Tuesday marked the first official calendar day … Read more

Learn to Love the Library- Week 3 Reflection

September 2, 2021

Week 2 is down!!    On Tuesday, we went to the Undergraduate Library to learn how the library can help make our lives as students easier. We spoke with Dayna Durbin who is the librarian for ENGL105 courses. She gave … Read more

The Start of Something New

August 22, 2021

As the summer comes to a close, teenagers everywhere have packed up the lives that they have known for so long to start a new one in college. Some moved hours away from home, while some moved just minutes. But, … Read more