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Welcome Back and Welcome to Unit Three!

October 31, 2022

After a relaxing fall break, the week of October 23rd was the start of a new unit. We had time to relax and now it is time to work once again! We were welcomed back to a new interpretation of … Read more

Welcome Back From Fall Break and Into Unit Project 3!

October 30, 2022

Welcome back from Fall Break! The UNC campus was buzzing with excitement and out of town guests this week due to the Homecoming game on Saturday and the Halloweekend festivities. As everyone has begun anticipating the end of the semester … Read more

Presentations and Fall Break

October 26, 2022

The week of October 16th was a time for our English class to display the hard work we put into our Unit 2 Projects. On top of this, fall break began on Thursday! On Tuesday, October 18th we tested our … Read more

The Brains Behind the Active Minds Club at Carolina

October 24, 2022

Presentation Slide: References: ACTIVE MINDS CHAPTERS TEAM. Retrieved 24 October 2022, from Presentation Script: Preface: I explored Active Minds Club at Carolina, a student led organization here at UNC that is intended to fight against the stigma that surrounds … Read more

Common Spaces at Small Residence Halls

October 24, 2022

References Vaddireddy, S. (2022). Koury Residence Hall Lounge [Digital Image].   418 Manning Dr [Online Image]. (2021). Google Maps.,-79.0440684,3a,75y,62.53h,97.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sY7oIXA_skX9PMqA0DE8iDw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en.     Presentation Script: Preface: As a resident of Hinton James, a first-year dorm that houses approximately 1000 students, I … Read more

How Honor’s Carolina Affects the Social Lives of Cobb’s First Years

October 24, 2022

Image Reference: Cobb Residence Hall. (n.d.). Retrieved from Script: How does Honors Carolina affect the social lives of Cobb’s first years? If you’re looking online, you find that honors colleges in general benefit the social lives of students by … Read more

Why do People Consistently go to the Gym?

October 24, 2022

Presentation Image:   Citation: University Of North Carolina. (n.d.). photograph, Chapel Hill   Presentation Script:    Hi, my name is Ethan, and the topic that I chose is gym culture. I have always been interested in gym culture due to … Read more

The Asian Community Within Universities

October 24, 2022

References: Featured Image Source: Google Images, Creative Common license   Script: Preface: The Mixed Asian Heritage Club is a student-run organization where mixed Asian and/or Pacific Islander heritage and identity can be explored. It attempts to create a strong community … Read more