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ENGL 105: Writing at the Research University, Online Syllabus, Fall 2022

Section 054 – T, Th – 8:00am-9:15am est – Greenlaw Hall, Room 318

Section 065 – T, Th – 11:00am-12:15pm est – Hamilton Hall, Room 570

Students in Section 065, please note: Hamilton Hall is in the process of being renamed Pauli Murray Hall. It will appear on official maps currently as Hamilton Hall, but many departments housed within the building refer to it as Pauli Murray Hall.


“Words—so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” 

—Nathaniel Hawthorne

Please Note:

I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed, including assignment due dates or reading assignments as listed in the Course Schedule. It is very likely that small secondary readings will be added to various days listed in the schedule. These changes will be announced and shared with the entire class as early as possible.

For every class session, I will post a lesson plan as a Google Doc on Sakai at Resources>In-Class Activities. You do not need to access these before each class, but you should have access to them during that class session and should refer to them afterwards, especially if you miss that class. The end of each lesson plan will list homework for the next class session. You should always refer to that document for any adjustments, additions, etc. to the Course Schedule listed in this syllabus.


Note: This online iteration of the syllabus and course schedule is the unofficial version of the course syllabus for Sections 054 and 065 of ENGL 105: Writing at the Research University, Fall 2022, taught by Paul Blom at UNC-Chapel Hill. Some information, such as contact info, has been redacted from this public, online version of the syllabus. The official syllabi for these specific sections (Sections 054 and 065 for ENGL 105, Fall 2022) have been formally submitted to the University, and they are also available as Word documents on their respective Sakai course sites under “Resources.” If you are a student, be sure to refer to the official version of the syllabus that has been shared with you for specific information. But also be sure to bookmark the link to this public-facing course website, especially the information in this course syllabus for easy future reference.


All students are responsible for knowing and abiding by all policies, dates, and other expectations listed in the official syllabus.


For more information about the course, especially a showcase of student work, explore the rest of this website.


Be sure to read the syllabus in its entirety by reading all of the items in the drop-down menu.


Next syllabus item: About Your Instructor