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The Rise of ACL Tears in Female Athletes

September 21, 2022

By Abby Spellings   If you are relatively familiar with sports, there is a high probability that you have encountered an ACL tear at some point in your life, whether it was your favorite athlete, your teammate, or even yourself. … Read more

The Sleep Cycle: The Key to Our Memory

September 21, 2022

Have you ever struggled to fall asleep? Most people experience sleeping troubles at some point throughout their life, whether they are current students, night-shift employees, new parents, or simply living humans. Although this problem is nearly universal, few people know … Read more

The Link Between Type-2 Diabetes and Depression

September 21, 2022

In 2014, the World Health Organization reported 422 million cases of diabetes (also known as diabetes mellitus) worldwide, a nearly 400% increase from 108 million cases in 1980 (World Health Organization 2021). Of those cases, over 95% were type-2 diabetes, … Read more

The Negative Health Outcomes of Marathon Running

September 21, 2022

When thinking of marathon running, what comes to mind? Is it exceptional fitness, maintaining health, or honing your body? If so, you’re not wrong. However, these benefits overshadow the looming side effects of extreme, strenuous exercise. These side effects range … Read more

Food Is Killing Us

September 21, 2022

Food is Killing Us Food is becoming the next cigarette in the addiction world. A statement that is not unfounded nor untrue, food companies with teams of psychologists, scientists, and food experts use refined processed measures to engineer food that’s … Read more

Save Your Brain with a Cup of Coffee

September 21, 2022

Your coffee could be helping you more than you know. With the passing of time, we are reminded of those who are no longer able to remember. In recent years, roughly fourteen percent of Americans, age seventy-one and over, have … Read more