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We are a team of UNC graduate students, faculty and staff that are dedicated to helping make the Chemistry Dept a safe place to learn and work!

The Joint Safety Team is committed to increasing safety education & outreach within the chemical field. To accomplish these goals, the JST has an administrative team and three underlying committees.

Administrative Team
1. Develop departmental safety intiatives and focus on routes to implement them
2. Liaise with EHS, individual research laboratories, and teaching laboratories (including the Undergraduate Laboratories Committee) on safety matters that arises in the department
3. Build an infrastructure to support and execute semesterly Chemistry Department Lab Safety Officer meetings to improve lab safety culture and provide support for LSOs in our department
4. Provide safety training workshops for the department with an emphasis on supporting incoming graduate students
5. Support each committee in executing their goals and provide supplemental aid as necessary

Education & Communication Committee
1. Develop hands-on TA training to practice emergency situations
2. Contribute weekly to departmental newsletter & pre-seminar slides
3. Develop a conflict resolution training for TA training
4. Collect, develop, & distribute safety moments for departmental use
Resources & Analysis Committee
1. Develop & distribute an infographic for seeking medical attention
2. Develop & distribute magnets to labs containing safety contact information
3. Develop a resource for labs and safety officers to practice emergency responses
4. Collect, develop, & distribute standard operating procedures for departmental use
Industry Partnerships Committee
1. Connect with industry partners to discuss safety protocols & best practices to improve chemical safety at UNC
2. Organize & lead safety seminars with our industry partners on wide variety of safety topics
3. Lead events that facilitate student experiences with safety (e.g., field trips to nearby facilities of industry partners)

Interested in joining our team? Reach out to us!