Platform Selection

The following platforms and technologies were chosen as part of the existing structure of the website. Therefore, all items listed below are currently in use.

Front-end Development

– Free and open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs)
– Popular due to its simplicity and strong developer community

– Open-source JavaScript framework built on top of React
– Streamlines the rendering process

Tailwind CSS
– Popular CSS framework that simplifies the process of web styling by providing a set of pre-defined utility classes
– Well-suited for rapid deployment and easy to understand
Backend Development & Database Storage

– Open-source, cloud & server hosting database platform
– Handles the data management & storage (with access controls) alongside authentication
– CI/CD cloud platform utilized to take applications from development to production
– Known for its speed, scalability, and developer-friendly features
– Github main branch is linked to Vercel, facilitating easy updates from the deployment stage to the live website
Email Automation

Supabase SMTP
– Built-in email delivery service from Supabase with email tracking, easy integration, and anti-spam measures
– Capable of handling a large network of users (works with the size of the volunteers in the organization)