Hand-Off Plan

Background Since this is the third semester working on this project, most of the project is already accessible to the client and our primary work has been fixing bugs and implementing additional features. 


Our client will continue to have access to the following:

  • Gmail – class deliverables, design drafts, final documentation
  • Supabase – database platform and current admin side of the application
  • GitHub – application code for both admin and client site
  • Vercel – deployment platform
  • Deployed volunteer and admin applications

Client Access

We have already merged our project and deployed all the work we have made this semester with our client. We have been keeping them updated each time a new change is made and ensured a successful merge. Currently, we are in a deployed testing stage where everything seems to work and we are available to our clients to resolve any bugs or user experience issues that may arise. 

The admin portal is still deployed at: https://mysmile-admin.vercel.app/

The client (volunteer) portal is still deployed at: https://mysmile.vercel.app/

Developer Access/Set Up

This section is for future developers, those who want to update or maintain the code. 

The code can only be accessed through our project’s GitHub account: wakesmiles.dev@gmail.com. Once logged in, collaborators can be added. For login information developers will need to contact the admin (and our client), Sommer Wisher. 

Our recommended development environment: Visual Studio Code. 

Directions to clone the virtual repository from GitHub to a local development environment:

  1. Start at the wakesmilesapp GitHub page. 
  2. Navigate to the green “code” button and copy the HTTPS repo URL. 
  3. Move to VSCode. Use keyboard shortcut to open the Command Palette bar:
    1. Windows: Ctrl + Shift + P
    2. Mac: Command + Shift + P
  4. Input “Git: Clone” into the text pop up and then paste the copied URL to the bar.

System Description

Both the client side and admin side web application were developed with the React.js framework. For our database, we continue to use Supabase, which allows for 500MB of storage and 1GB of file storage. As mentioned before, we use Github to store and manage code. 

For deployment we our Vercel, a front-end platform that’s usually used to deploy (or upload) React applications. Vercel has the added benefit that it works well with Supabase. 


Our entire application, from database to website, is free, which is great since our client is a nonprofit serving marginalized communities!