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I love teaching, talking with students during office hours, giving feedback to students. I think about what is the best way to convey knowledge in an easier, intuitive way. I have TA’ed several classes, mentored several students and friends who are undergraduate, master, and doctoral students.

Teaching assistant, Biostatistics Department at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

  • FALL 2020: BIOS760 Statistical Inferences I – office hours, course preparations, and grading

  • FALL 2018: BIOS661 Introduction to Data Science – planning of the initial course offering, lab sessions, making homework, and grading

  • FALL 2019: BIOS667 Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis – grading

Tutoring Service, Biostatistics Department at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 2018, 2019: Comprehensive exam preparation

Guest Lecture, Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

  • April 2019: DPET831 Introduction to machine learning: statistical learning, deep learning, and application to pharmaceutical research

Teaching assistant, Mathematics and Statistics Department at Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL

  • FALL 2015: STAT488 Regression Analysis – grading

Empirical process study group, Biostatistics Department at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 2018-2019: Led discussion of the “Introduction to Empirical Processes and Semiparametric Inference .”

Seminars and journal clubs