UPSIDE Team at UNC-Chapel Hill
Understanding and Promoting Self-Regulation Intervention across Development
Welcome to the UPSIDE Team!
The UPSIDE Team conducts interdisciplinary research that develops, implements, and evaluates self-regulation interventions that promote resilience for children and youth across the developmental spectrum from early childhood through young adulthood, with particular focus on youth who face chronic adversity.
The team has developed a mindfulness-based intervention for middle and high school students called Be CALM (Cool Attentive, Logical, and Mature) and is guided by a theoretical model of co-regulation developed by PI Murray in collaboration with the Office of the Administration for Children and Families. Other team research aims to increase understanding of emotional wellbeing in adolescents in the context of stress using innovative methods like ecological momentary assessment (EMA).

The UPSIDE team supports North Carolina’s Social-Emotional Learning Alliance (SEL4NC), a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the lives of all young people and adults by empowering advocates to support social and emotional learning in our state. Visit the website for resources, events, and to get involved.