
The Spanish weather is changing

An overview on the effects of climate change in Spain

Natalia Morlán

Some of the most notable consequences of climate change in Spain are extreme temperatures, rising sea levels, increased droughts, desertification, the frequency of heat waves and harsher winters.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina…

Climate change and public health

This article has been translated from Spanish

Many of these impacts are already evident and will continue to advance in the future, with a foreseeable increase in the rate of desertification, the number of fires and floods, or the lack of resources such as drinking water or fertile soil for crops.

One of the areas most vulnerable to the climate crisis in Spain is the Mediterranean basin, a zone zero where droughts, the lack of fresh water and the rise in sea level will be felt, with an increase in the temperature of its waters, generating an impact that will hit this region in a particularly virulent way.

Since the 20th century, the temperature of our planet has risen by more than 1ºC, according to temperature analysis carried out since 1880 by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The Secretary General of the United Nations announced the red alert for our planet and, therefore, for humanity.

Data showed that 2020 was a historically warm year in the Iberian Peninsula, followed by August 2017. River basins in the Spanish northwest have been verging on alarming, unprecedented values, around less than 40% of their capacity, and those that usually suffer marked water stress, in the south and Mediterranean basin, sometimes hover around 10% of their capacity.

Another one of the most worrying effects of climate change in Spain is the possibility that the global sea level will rise by three meters between now and the year 2100.  If the sea level rises three meters, a large part of many coastal cities, such as Barcelona, Malaga, A Coruña or Santander would have floods regularly. Furthermore, coastal natural sites, such as Doñana, the Ebro river delta or the Rías Baixas, would probably disappear.

Seventy five percent of Spanish soil is already in the process of desertification and it is predicted that twenty percent of what is safe today will be at risk in 50 years. Soil will be degraded in several regions, such as Andalusia, Extremadura, Castilla La Mancha and the Levante coast, something that will affect both agriculture and natural ecosystems. The loss of fertile soil would increase the vulnerability of all species, including humans. It would create a major crisis in traditional agriculture, displacing many to cities, provoking a rise of the pollution levels in these areas and causing climate change to continue to feed back on itself.

Hazards caused by climate change will affect water resources, coasts, health, tourism, agriculture and livestock, energy and transportation. Many of these are urgent, such as the decreasing volume of river flows and reduced freshwater availability due to droughts. Related to this impact is the risk of reduced hydropower production due to changes in precipitation and temperature.

The most direct consequence of climate change for human beings regards to their health. There will be an increase in diseases that can make the leap from the animal world to humans. There will also be an increase in mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, Nile fever and Zika fever. In addition, it points to the need for measures to be taken to counteract heat stress-related damage (increased mortality and morbidity.

Individual actions to limit the effects

At the Conference of the Parties (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted various targets to reduce greenhouse gases and mitigate and adapt to the effects of global warming.

The Paris Agreement aims to avoid global warming of more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Spanish citizens can adapt their activities and lifestyles to limit their impact on climate. Some easy actions include  using sustainable means of transport, choosing a green power at home and optimizing energy consumption.


Changing temperatures in the pyrenees

Changing temperatures are menacing biodiversity in the Pyrenees

Daniel De Luis

The average temperature in the Pyrenees has been increasing by about 0.24 ºC per decade since the 1960s. This warming leads to the disappearance of species, the arrival of pests and endangers the economic sustainability of the area.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina…

Health risks after flooding

This article has been translated from Spanish

Explaining a chain reaction is a very simple exercise. Just picture a long row of dominoes falling one after another. Or think about the ancient Chinese proverb, which states that “The slight flutter of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world.”

These wise and intuitive approaches are however often ignored in favor of an overwhelming and irresponsible presentism. The commonly known “butterfly effect” is widely assumed, but when it takes the form of various problems, attention turns elsewhere. This inattention is cultivated by multiple factors, but undoubtedly one of them is the incorrect perception of the magnitude of our actions.

In the case of climate change, when explaining a long concatenation of causes and effects, it is important to cover every single fact. However, a quick search through the news shows that regularly give updates on current environmental problems seems to disregard the facts for the whole picture. In this sense, a serious sentence like “Snow levels in the Pyrenees decrease by x centimeters this year,” should be completed as: “Snow levels in the Pyrenees decrease x centimeters this year, compromising the balance of its delicate ecosystem and directly threatening the local people, who lose crops and working hours in the tourist sector.”

The intensive research surrounding the Pyrenees speaks for the uniqueness of the region. Each of the “dominoes” is very well documented, thanks to the work of the Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change (OPCC), whose reports ground part of this article.  The domino effect of which these pieces are part is not very encouraging: multiple localities, which are crossed by the mountain range, are jointly suffering the effects of an unstoppable and dangerous increase in the average temperature.

In the last sixty years, the average temperature in the Pyrenees has increased abnormally, by about 0.24 ºC per decade. The speed at which the temperature is rising is outrageous, even compared to past warming periods. The Pyrenean climate is the first victim of these extra degrees. Abrupt meteorological changes are affecting the mountain range. Despite the fact that the region still goes periods of more intense rainfall and snowfall, it is estimated that its snow cover could be reduced by half in the 30 next years, and it would melt from the ground one month earlier.

Effects on fauna and flora

In this context of meteorological turbulence and accelerated warming, native life bears part of the brunt. Biodiversity is suffering serious losses and some of the species are being depleted because they are unable to survive the wide range of hostile conditions that affect the mountain range.

In one of its latest reports, the OPCC indicates that the most sensitive animals, such as birds and amphibians, are becoming less abundant. In some cases, species are also suffering pysical alterations.

The most dramatic case is that of amphibians, like newts and frogs, which are very susceptible atmospheric variations. Amphibians are specifically sensitive to humidity, which is decreasing in the Pyrenees due to the scarcity of the Pyrenean boxwood, a native plant to the region.

The case of the Pyrenean frog is deeply concerning. This small amphibian, which is in danger of extinction, is prone to contracting ranavirus. An altered habitat, contaminated by human activity, favors the appearance of this virus among frogs. Recently, the Zaragoza aquarium announced the successful captive breeding of 250 frogs, of which 220 will be released. However, if conditions are still not favorable, they will suffer the same fate.

Flora is also suffering from the major changes in its habitat. As temperatures increase, animals that can move occupy higher altitudes to preserve their living conditions, but plants cannot follow the same technique. This throws the ecosystem out of balance.

In addition, plants are severely affected by the scarcity of snow, one of the first pieces of this domino effect. The lack of snow prevents plants from being properly insulated in winter, thus increasing the chances of their perishing. Another major problem for the flora is the presence of pests, which are attracted by the heat and usually more resilient than native species.

The boxwood of the Pyrenees or buxus sempervirens is a very rich and useful plant for life in the area, since it generates high levels of humidity. Humidity allows a large part of the flora of the Pyrenees to develop under the right conditions. Given the high presence and relevance of boxwood in the area, any condition that negatively affects this particular humidifier becomes a great threat to the ecosystem of the mountain range. Present in almost 80 % of the Pyrenees, the buxus sempervirens suffers the attacks of the Cydalida perspectalis: an invasive moth that feeds on boxwood.

Economic effects

All these problems may seem far away when talking about the Pyrenean frog or boxwood, but they are not the only victims of the effects of climate change in the Pyrenees. Climate change also has a significant socio-economic impact in the region.

Crops are less productive and susceptible to pests. The snow season, which attracts so much tourism and generates so many jobs, starts later and lasts less. Fluvial scarcity leads to less hydroelectric power, and the increasing extreme weather events –like foods or heat waves- can obviously have serious repercussions on the course of human life and infrastructure in Pyrenean localities.

How can the situation in the Pyrenees be mitigated? Scientific research is key to detect, treat and communicate the delicate situation of the border mountain range.


¿Qué es la agricultura hidropónica?

¿Qué es la hidroponía?

Maddee Burt

El cultivo de plantas en interiores sobre agua con nutrientes puede ser una forma de hacer frente al calor y la sequía provocados por el cambio climático. Vídeo en inglés.


Las alergias y el cambio climático

Cómo el cambio climático afecta a las alergias

Meg Hardesty

Al influir en nuestra meteorología, el cambio climático empeora la forma en que las personas sufren sus alergias. Vivir con malestar no es nada deseable, y este tipo de afecciones pueden llegar a ser un gran impedimento a la calidad de vida de ciertas personas.

Mientras tanto, en Carolina del Norte…


Transcripción (traducida del inglés)

Kathryn Haenni, de dieciocho años, recuerda su lucha contra las alergias desde que era pequeña.

Kathryn Haenni: “Cuando era más joven, nunca podía jugar al fútbol al aire libre en primavera porque probablemente estaría llorando a mitad de camino, ya que mis ojos estarían muy hinchados”.

Haenni se sometió a su primera prueba alérgica alrededor de los seis años. Fue diagnosticada con alergia al polen, al polvo y a otros irritantes ambientales.

Kathryn Haenni: “Tener 6 años y experimentar algo así como pinchazos dolorosos en la espalda, ya sabes, un par de cientos de veces, fue definitivamente una experiencia dolorosa, casi traumática. Cuando tienes síntomas tan graves por culpa de la alergia, estos acaban por dictar tus decisiones. Para evitarlos, tiendes a tomar decisiones que te pueden poner en desventaja, ya sabes, física, social o emocionalmente”.

El doctor David Peden, alergólogo e inmunólogo pediático, afirma que los patrones meteorológicos y nuestro clima cambiante afectan a alergias como la de Kathryn.

Dr. Peden: “Todo esto básicamente se ve afectado por el clima, ya sabes, por los patrones del tiempo a los que llamaríamos clima. En particular, es relevante la temperatura del aire y el nivel de humedad, algo que varía de región a región. Creo que el cambio climático es importante porque provoca tanto sequías como inundaciones. Además del clima y las condiciones atmosféricas, la contaminación también puede modificar la respuesta de una persona a lo que es alérgica.”

El cambio climático influye en nuestro clima al provocar un aumento de las temperaturas, de las precipitaciones y empeorar la calidad del aire. Estos efectos pueden aumentar la exposición a los alérgenos ambientales. Como ejemplo, Dr. Peden habla del polen.

Dr. Peden: “Cuanto más larga sea la temporada de polinización, cuanto más cálidas sean las temperaturas y cuanto más húmedo haya sido el invierno anterior, mayor será la floración o el estallido de polen”.

Peden dice que hay una excepción respecto al aumento de precipitaciones, en especial cuando se trata de la lluvia.

Dr. Peden: “Una tormenta de lluvia ocasional en realidad puede ser beneficiosa, ya sabes, para una persona que tiene mucha alergia al aire libre.”

La lluvia arrastra el polen amarillo y verde que se ve en los coches y las aceras. Kathryn dice que siente una sensación de alivio después de una tormenta en la temporada alta de polen.

Kathryn Haenni: “Pero mis alergias mejoran significativamente después de que llueva. Creo que es en gran parte porque literalmente limpia los alérgenos del aire. Por el contrario, cuando tarda mucho en llover y hay más acumulación de partículas, mis síntomas van a aumentar definitivamente”.

Tomar medicamentos para la alergia como Claritin u otros antihistamínicos ayuda a reducir los síntomas de la alergia. Dr. Peden dice que algunas personas pueden recurrir a las vacunas contra la alergia para aliviar los síntomas a largo plazo. Para personas como Kathryn, el tiempo atmosférico es algo más importante de lo que podría parecer a primera vista.

Kathryn Haenni: “Esto te afecta socialmente, ya que tiendes a evitar actividades como jugar al aire libre con tus amigos cuando eres más joven o a ser activo al aire libre, cuando eres mayor. Todo esto ha definitivamente afectado a mi calidad de vida”.

Esto viene a decir que el cambio climático puede estar afectando a nuestro clima, y a nosotros, más de lo que creemos.

Informa Meg Hardesty, desde Chapel Hill.


Comunicación institucional sobre gases de efecto invernadero

¿Cómo se comunican los gases de invernadero en Carolina del Norte?

Jack Rhoden

Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero contribuyen en gran medida al cambio climático. Emitidos a la atmósfera, gases como el dióxido de carbono, el metano o el óxido nitroso, atrapan el calor del sol. Este proceso hace que la tierra se caliente, contribuyendo al cambio climático.

Este artículo ha sido traducido desde el inglés.

Los modelos científicos predicen que, en ausencia de reducciones sustanciales en la quema de combustibles fósiles, la cantidad de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera se duplicará durante este siglo. Por ello, muchos países y localidades de todo el mundo, incluida Carolina del Norte, están aumentando la comunicación sobre los peligros que suponen las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

De los 50 estados de EE.UU., Carolina del Norte ocupa el puesto 36 en cuanto a emisiones de dióxido de carbono, produciendo más de 12 toneladas métricas y media de dióxido de carbono per cápita, según un artículo del Atlas Mundial.

El Departamento de Calidad Ambiental de Carolina del Norte (NCDEQ por sus siglas en inglés) está intensificando la comunicación sobre los gases de efecto invernadero. El NCDEQ se centra principalmente en el dióxido de carbono, que representa el 82% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del estado. Asimismo, el dióxido de carbono constituye el 81% de todos los gases de efecto invernadero de la atmósfera terrestre.

La electricidad es la principal fuente de gases de efecto invernadero

En un estudio de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de Carolina del Norte entre 2005 y 2017, el NCDEQ encontró que la electricidad representaba la mayor parte de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, con un 35 por ciento. Para aumentar el conocimiento de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de Carolina del Norte, el NCDEQ hizo públicos los resultados de este estudio en 2019.

Paula Hemmer, ingeniera principal de NCDEQ, afirmó que los analistas utilizaron los datos de este estudio para desarrollar un objetivo de reducción del 70 por ciento de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono en el sector eléctrico para 2030.

“Eso se publicó en el Plan de Energía Limpia de la NCDEQ”, aseguró Hemmer. En octubre de 2021, el Plan de Energía Limpia (HB 951) fue promulgado por el gobernador Roy Cooper.

El plan tiene múltiples objetivos. Además de una reducción del 70% del dióxido de carbono, el Plan de Energía Limpia exige la neutralidad del carbono para 2050, lo que significa que no se liberará a la atmósfera ningún dióxido de carbono adicional en el estado. La asequibilidad de la energía a largo plazo y la aceleración del desarrollo y el despliegue de la energía limpia son otros objetivos clave.

La NCDEQ está comunicando al público las amenazas que suponen las emisiones adicionales de gases de efecto invernadero. “Cuando publicamos el inventario de gases de efecto invernadero en 2019, emitimos un comunicado de prensa, tuvimos un período de comentarios públicos y presentamos el inventario en varias reuniones del gobierno estatal”, dijo Hemmer.

Enlaces en directo en el sitio web de la NCDEQ

Para comunicarse con el público, la NCDEQ mantiene una sección de noticias en su sitio web donde el departamento publica artículos de noticias y ofrece enlaces en directo a las reuniones celebradas por el departamento y otras entidades gubernamentales. Las notas publicadas en el sitio web de la NCDEQ detallan las agendas discutidas durante esas reuniones.

La NCDEQ también ofrece la posibilidad de suscribirse a los comunicados de prensa del departamento. Los visitantes pueden elegir recibir los comunicados de prensa de todas las divisiones del departamento o sólo de divisiones específicas.

El NCDEQ también es activo en las redes sociales. En su cuenta oficial de Twitter, NCDEQ tuitea o retuitea información al menos una vez al día y a menudo varias veces al día a sus 9.000 seguidores. La NCDEQ también tiene una página de Facebook seguida por más de 8.400 personas. Las publicaciones aparecen casi todos los días y a menudo varias veces al día.

Además de la creación del Plan de Energía Limpia, el departamento ha puesto en marcha recientemente otras iniciativas cuyos detalles darán a conocer los funcionarios a principios de 2022.

Según Hemmer, aunque las acciones estatales pueden ayudar a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en Carolina del Norte, el público también puede desempeñar un papel. “Comunicar para aumentar la conciencia pública y tener un compromiso personal para reducir su propia huella de carbono es igualmente importante que las acciones estatales”, dijo Hemmer.


Forest fires in Northwest Spain

The Spanish Northwest, the main victim of forest fires in Spain

Javier Araújo Fernández-Miranda

Almost two thirds of forest fires in the Iberian Peninsula occur in the northwest, especially in Galicia, and more than 90% are directly caused by humans, either by negligence or intentionally.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina…

Climate change and human allergies

This article has been translated from Spanish

Concern about forest fires has been on the rise lately. It stands to reason that fire enhances global warming by destroying forests, since plants absorb greenhouse gases, while flames emit them.

Greenpeace has estimated that the volume of forest fire emissions is considerable, since it represents a quarter of that caused by the use of fossil fuels. However, there are difficulties in measuring this magnitude because some of the countries with the most fires – Brazil, Russia, Indonesia and several regions of Central Africa – do not have very reliable resources to make such measurements.

Other consequences of forest fires includes human fatalities, biodiversity loss, economic damage to the owners of burned areas, and the economic cost of putting them out, among others. On the other hand, the causes and prevention of fires are more complex and difficult to understand.

In Spain there are thousands of fires a year, but more than half of them are usually put down before they spread at all. Thus, the problem is not the number of fires, but the extreme virulence of a few: the so-called sixth-generation fires, which are those that burn the bulk of the hectares affected per year.

National Geographic points at three main factors that affect the spread of these macro fires: ignitions, the proximity and abundance of forests and drought. Of these three, only ignitions are the true causal factor, while the other two are aggravating factors, which can turn a modest fire into a catastrophic one, if both exceed a certain threshold.

The two aggravating factors work as communicating vessels: the drier a region is, the less forest it has. In this case, it seems that the most relevant factor is the abundance of forests. Disregarding the drought factor, however, would imply a lesser influence of climate change, a phenomenon related to increased drought, on the spread of fires.

In the Iberian Peninsula, the area of greatest fire risk is the northwest, which includes the coastal regions from San Sebastian to Lisbon, as well as Zamora, Leon and Orense. Almost two thirds of the fires occur in this region. These figures might seem striking, since the North of Spain hast the coldest and wettest weather in the country. It is precisely because of this humid climate, that the region has a lot of forests and is therefore an easy victim to forest fires.

Heat waves and human cause

According to National Geographic, when a region with a high mass of flora is affected by drought, there is a higher risk for macro fires. This is when heat waves come into play. If we look at the two worst years of the past decade in terms of fires, 2012 and 2017, there were heat waves when the most virulent fires occurred.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 96% of the fires are caused by human intervention, either through negligence or intentionally. A very small part of this portion comes from the hands of arsonists, people with a psychological disorder that causes them attraction to fire and its effects.

Another modest part, comes from revenge in disputes between landowners, but the greater part corresponds to practices such as the regeneration of pastures or the burning of stubble, the opening of areas to favor hunting or to scare off wolves and other threats. These practices are especially rooted in the Spanish northwest, but they also occur throughout the peninsula and the world in general.

The controlled use of fire is, a priori, beneficial to help various plant species to germinate or develop natural features, such as oak cork. This use, however, is no longer beneficial because it is either abused or used in a way that would work in a climate like that of the early twentieth century, but not in a climate like today’s, which is more unstable.

Fires are one of the many factors that enhance the greenhouse effect and, in turn, are enhanced by it, creating a vicious cycle that can worsen if left unchecked. But it should also be noted that there are other reasons, some of them more decisive, for causing fires. These reasons are particularly pronounced in the Iberian northwest, making it the peninsular area with the highest risk for sixth-generation fires.


Cómo las ONGs tratan la deforestación en el Research Triangle

Redes sociales contra la deforestación

Lauren Ketwitz

La deforestación en Carolina del Norte ha aumentado en las últimas décadas. Grupos de interés público como The Nature Conservancy o Conserving Carolina están luchando contra esta situación, y para ello, necesitan entender la importancia de una presencia online, específicamente en las redes sociales.

Mientras tanto, en Navarra…

Deforestación y comunicación: claves

Este artículo ha sido traducido desde el inglés.

La expansión de la población urbana en el Research Triangle ha provocado la pérdida de más de 100.000 acres de tierra al año, según el Servicio Forestal de Carolina del Norte. En esta zona metropolitana, que incluye Raleigh, Durham y Chapel Hill, la demanda de viviendas y edificios comerciales supone una amenaza para los bosques regionales.

Desde 1977, la sección de The Nature Conservancy en Carolina del Norte lucha por las áreas protegidas y promueve la gestión forestal sostenible en el estado. En diciembre de 2017, The Conservancy se unió a Twitter, que cuenta con más de 38 millones de usuarios en Estados Unidos, según un artículo de Business of Apps. En Twitter, TNC trata de concienciar sobre la deforestación al tiempo que promueve la participación en sus programas.

En redes sociales, The Nature Conservancy de Carolina del Norte comparte enlaces a diversos medios de comunicación para sus más de 800 seguidores. Las publicaciones incluyen fotografías y vídeos impresionantes de bosques y paisajes, además de enlaces a artículos sobre cómo participar en la conservación.

Atrapando la atención brevemente

La duración media de la atención de un usuario en redes sociales es bastante corta. Según un artículo de Career Arc, una publicación dispone de dos segundos para captar la atención de la audiencia. Es por ello que el mensaje de la publicación debe captar la atención del usuario rápidamente y también presentar la información de una manera que sea fácil de digerir.

Conserving Carolina utiliza tácticas similares en su cuenta de Twitter. Mientras que el vídeo mencionado anteriormente se centra en los efectos negativos de la deforestación, tanto The Nature Conservancy de Carolina del Norte como Conserving Carolina publican a menudo sobre los éxitos de sus organizaciones.

Un artículo de investigación publicado en la revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, descubría en 2019 que la gente reacciona más a las noticias negativas, pero que a menudo se subestima el poder de las noticias positivas. Publicar únicamente noticias sobre los efectos negativos de la deforestación podría insensibilizar a la audiencia ante estos impactos, de forma similar a como ya se ha insensibilizado a los estadounidenses ante las noticias recurrentes sobre los tiroteos en las escuelas, según un estudio de la Universidad de Stanford.

Para evitar la insensibilización de su público, estas dos organizaciones conservacionistas de Carolina del Norte dedican una parte importante de sus publicaciones en Twitter a fotos de lo que se está protegiendo, en lugar de lo que se está destruyendo.

Estas instituciones están encontrando formas de hacer que su contenido sea accesible a más personas. Mediante enlaces que invitan a los visitantes a hacer voluntariado, hacer donaciones o firmar propuestas políticas, las instituciones logran mantener la atención de sus seguidores.

Tanto las cuentas de Twitter de The Nature Conservancy de Carolina del Norte como las de Conserving Carolina publican constantemente enlaces que ofrecen al público oportunidades de participar en la conservación del medio ambiente y de informarse sobre esfuerzos específicos para protegerlo.

Esta estrategia acorta el proceso de participación. Los usuarios no tienen que buscar por sí mismos, sino que simplemente siguen un enlace que ya está en su feed. Cuando las oportunidades de activismo son más accesibles, aumentan las posibilidades de que un espectador interactúe con la publicación.

Comunicación para un futuro complicado

Actualmente, gran parte del Research Triangle en Carolina del Norte ya ha sustituido su cubierta de tierra natural por densas concentraciones de pavimento, edificios y otras superficies que absorben y retienen el calor. Un documento publicado por el Servicio Forestal de Carolina del Norte muestra cómo estas “islas urbanas” crean focos de calor intenso dentro de comunidades muy pobladas, aumentando así el consumo de energía y perpetuando la tendencia al calentamiento global.

La población de Carolina del Norte ronda los 10,5 millones de personas. Más de 2 millones viven en el Triángulo de Investigación desde 2015, según un artículo de Lawn Starter. Si el crecimiento de la población coincide con la tendencia estimada por el Servicio Forestal de Carolina del Norte para los próximos 10 años, el estado tendrá 12,4 millones de residentes.

Todas estas personas necesitarán lugares para vivir y trabajar. Como resultado, los límites de las ciudades se ampliarán y se acercarán unos a otros. Con el tiempo, el término “isla urbana” podría quedar obsoleto.

A medida que la cubierta forestal natural se reduce y la influencia de las redes sociales aumenta, organizaciones como The Nature Conservancy de Carolina del Norte y Conserving Carolina tendrán que adaptar sus métodos de información y educación del público para asegurarse de que sus mensajes no caigan en saco roto.


Greenhouse gas pollution in the media

Addressing greenhouse gas information on social media

Luca Ciordia

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch… social networks as a means of communication are already a reality, and information on climate change has benefitted from these new forms of dissemination.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina…

Communicating about green house gases

This article has been translated from Spanish

Social media have already become full-fledged, communication platforms that are widely used both by individuals and institutions. Media outlets are not an exception. Many newspapers, both national and international, use social media to re-disseminate the news they publish daily, receiving a great deal of interaction from their public. Instant updates and interaction with users are two of the great advantages of this type of platform.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch… In some of them, audiovisual elements prevail, while others are more about text. This variety of formats makes the platforms very effective when it comes to publishing information.

Millions of news items are uploaded to the cloud every second and users can find all kinds of information. Climate change stories have become more popular in the last decades, as the consequences of human actions on our planet have become more obvious to the public eye.


Instagram was born in 2010. Since its creation, it has not stopped evolving and reaching more and more users. Currently there are more than 1 billion active users who use this platform daily. It allows users to post images, or videos, accompanied by a caption. Some years ago, Instagram added a feature to share stories that remain published for 24 hours on a user’s profile. Its great reception among Internet users and its audiovisual functions have managed to garner attention from the media. Instagram seems to provide an opportunity to reach audiences with images, infographics or illustrations.

Many organizations use Instagram to report on climate change. Greenpeace is probably the one with the most followers (3.9 million). On their profile, users can find all kinds of information about climate change. There are many videos and images accompanied by data and information to raise awareness about the problems related to greenhouse gas emissions.

In Spain, many media outlets use their accounts to inform about the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. One example is the profile of the Spanish National Radio and Television corporation, RTVE.

RTVE uses Instagram to share news pieces that have been broadcast, usually accompanied by a brief informative text summarizing the information.


On Twitter, users can post short texts about whatever they want. Recently, the platform incorporated a feature to share stories, just like Instagram, although its use is less frequent. Unlike Instagram, this platform allows media outlets to publish short news stories and even just the headlines and insert a link to the information source. It is one of the most used platform, having millions of users and allowing the publication of all kinds of information.

Many emblematic environmental activists use Twitter to inform about the problems that are affecting our planet. Greta Thunberg, the 18-year-old Swedish activist, has more than 5 million followers on her Twitter profile. There, she shares all kinds of information related to greenhouse gases and everything involved related to the problems we are causing as a result of our actions.

On Twitter, many media outlets just have a general profile to report on all kinds of news. But some news outlets have special divisions that focus entirely on environmental issues. A clear example is EFEverde, the environmental information department of Agencia EFE, which is the world’s fourth largest wire service. EFEverde has its own Twitter profile, where the agency shares environmental information daily and has more than 125,000 followers.

Other Spanish outlets specialized on environmental information are Ballena Blanca (with over 12,000 followers on Twitter), Climática (over 19,000) or El Ágora Diario (over 31,000).

In short, social media has been a new way of informing users. The constant ability to update information, as well the possibility to add multimedia elements make it easier for the media to interact with readers and raise awareness on the issues surrounding climate change and environmental destruction.


Navarra, a wind power leader

Navarra, an international leader in wind energy production

Rosa María Bernal

The region of Navarra is a national and international leader in the production of renewable energies from wind turbines and companies that operate in a sustainable manner.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina…

Offshore wind farms

This article has been translated from Spanish

Only 33 wind turbines of approximately 80 meters in height are needed to supply 38,000 homes with electricity. Currently, the region of Navarra is a national and international leader for both the production and use of renewable energies. There are currently more than 50 wind farms full of windmills producing renewable energy, which produce around 1,089 megawatts of electricity according to reports from regional media.

In 2013, Spain became the first country in the world where wind energy was the main source of electricity generation for a whole year, representing 20.9% of the total production. Within this particular achievement, Navarra represented a really significant share with a large piece of land dedicated to the installation of wind turbines. Wind turbines are devices that transform the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy through a completely sustainable process, free of pollutants, free of emissions, inexhaustible, reducing the use of fossil fuels and energy imports and, in addition, with the benefit that it is completely renewable energy.

In 1994, the company Energía Hidroeléctrica de Navarra (EHN), partially owned by the Spanish government, started the large wind farm of El Pardón, which is the oldest and most functional wind farm to date in the region. This installation, today owned by the company Acciona, led to the development of an important commercial sector associated with wind energy in the region, as well as a high level of awareness and information about clean energy powered by wind. Over time, investments within the renewable energy industry have allowed for innovations to be generated within wind turbine farms. The windmills that made up El Perdón in 1994 and looked like giants back then, are of minimal size compared to today’s windmills. In 25 years, the size of the wind turbines has grown from 40 to 120 meters high, and the power of the machines has increased sixfold.

With this level of positive growth within the renewable energy sector in the Navarra region, the regional government has now started a project entitled Plan Energético Navarra Horizonte 2030 (“2030 Energy Plan for Navarra”) or PEN 2030. This plan aims to promote wind energy and to plan a much broader implementation of clean energy. The general goal of the policy is to develop and implement a new comprehensive environmental strategy for Navarra by 2030, and it is in line with European policy recommendations.

More specifically, the Energy Plan for Navarra aims for a goal of 50% renewable energy out of total energy use in the region. In order to meet this goal, Navarra will need to increase its production of clean energy by expanding existing infrastructure or developing new wind farms.

Navarra is not far from achieving these goals, as stated  in 2018 by Manu Ayerdi, the former Navarra vice president for economic development: “In Navarra we have a very favorable ecosystem for the development of the sector, which makes the Comunidad Foral a leading territory in technology for the wind industry.”

“However, we live in a global market and we have to fight all together so that Navarra continues to be a benchmark, getting better and better. For this we have to work and improve relentlessly,” Ayerdi said.

Over the last two decades, the region has shown remarkable growth in terms of sustainability and projects related to environmental care. If the government’s efforts continue to focus on the wind sector, in addition to keeping the population properly informed in terms of data, progress and future projects, it is highly likely that Navarra will even surpass the numbers established for the year 2030.


¿Qué es la vinicultura sostenible?

Vinicultura sostenible en España

Gonzalo Araújo

La industria vitivinícola española es líder internacional en la producción de vino ecológico. Este enfoque agrícola da prioridad a los procedimientos biológicos y mecánicos para el cultivo de la vid y la producción de vino. El objetivo principal es proteger la fertilidad del suelo, la biodiversidad regional y los ecosistemas.