Video 1: Instruction
Downloadable Word transcript of Dayna Durbin – Ensuring Academic Integrity with AI video
As referenced in the video, UNC’s Generative AI committee developed the following guidelines to support faculty and students as they use AI in the classroom. You are encouraged to download the guidelines and review them. In consultation with your academic unit, plan how to refine these guidelines based on your instructional context.
- Guidelines | Teaching Generative AI Use Guidance_UNC AI Committee (June 15 – 2023).pdf
- Guidelines | Student Generative AI Usage Guidance_UNC AI Committee (June 15 – 2023).pdf
Video 2: Citing AI in Scholarship and Research
Downloadable Word transcript of Kim Abels – Citing AI in Scholarship and Research video
As referenced in the video, UNC’s Generative AI committee developed the following guidelines to support the use of AI as part of your scholarship and research. You are encouraged to download the guidelines and review them. In consultation with your academic unit, the University’s Institutional Review Board, and your scholarly and research output, you are encouraged to consider these guidelines as you engage your research and entrepreneurial work.
For each style guide, the key attributes needed for citing your use of AI are listed along with an example. Please note that the style manuals are continually updating their guidance for citing AI, and it is strongly recommended you cross-reference the information below with the current guidance offered by a particular style guide.
APA (click to expand):
Key Attributes
- Company: Name of the company that developed the AI product you are using
- Date: Release year of the product version you used
- Title: Name of the AI product and version number. The version number appears in parentheses and if a version number is not available or listed, use the date of when you generated content using the tool.
- Bracketed Text: Description of the type of generative AI. For example, ChatGPT is a large language model, Google Bard is a large multimodal model, and Midjourney is an image generator.
- Source: The URL to the tool you used
Company. (Date). Title (version number) [Bracketed text]. source.
Example Reference
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (July 11 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/
Example In-Text Citations
Parenthetical Citation
(OpenAI, 2023)
Narrative Citation
OpenAI (2023)
For additional information, please see “How To Cite ChatGPT” by Timothy McAdoo (2023)
MLA (click to expand):
Key Attributes
- Prompt: Text that was inputted into the generative AI tool
- Follow-up: Sub-prompts used to refine the main prompt
- Tool: Name of the generative AI product used
- Version: The current version of the generative AI product
- Company: Name of the company that developed the generative AI product
- Date: The specific day when the content was generated using the AI tool
- Source: The URL to the tool you used
Prompt. follow-up. Tool, version, Company, date. Source.
Example Reference
“You are a historian interested in college towns. Write the history of Chapel Hill’s relationship with the University of North Carolina.” follow-up prompt to write the history for professionals. ChatGPT, version 3.5, OpenAI, 11 July 2023. https://chat.openai.com/
Example In-Text Citations
Quoted or Paraphrased Citation
(“You are a”)
For additional information, please see “How do I cite generative AI in MLA style?” (2023)
Chicago (click to expand):
Key Attributes
- Numbered Footnote/Endnote: The number of the footnote or endnote
- Content: Type of material generated by the AI product
- Use: “Generated by” or “Response to” or another phrase that summarizes how the AI tool was used
- Command: Statement that directs the AI tool to complete a task
- Tool: Name of the AI product
- Date: The specific day when the content was generated using the AI tool
- Company: Name of the company that developed the AI product you are using
- Source: The URL to the tool you used
Example Footnote Reference for Content Generated by an AI Tool
Numbered Footnote/Endnote. Content. Use Tool, Date, Company, Source
- Image generated by FireFly, July 6, 2023, Adobe, https://www.adobe.com/sensei/generative-ai/firefly.html
Example Footnote Reference for Citing Query Responses Generated by an AI Tool
Numbered Footnote/Endnote. Tool. Use “Command,” Date, Company.
- ChatGPT, response to “Outline a paper about robotic drivers,” July 22, Open AI.
For additional information, please see “Citation, Documentation of Sources” from The Chicago Manual of Style Online (2023)
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