
Research Roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Newly appeared: A. Bhattacharya, M. Warren, and D. Weser, A Liouville type theorem for ancient Lagrangian Mean Curvature flows, Communications in… Read more

Two University Teaching Awards!

The RTG is proud to share that two of its members were recognized with 2025 UNC University Teaching Awards.  Please join us in congratulating Yaiza Canzani, who is the Board of Governor’s Award Recipient for Excellence in Teaching, and Andrew Lyons, who has earned a Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching… Read more

Research Roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Newly posted: A. Bhattacharya and J. Wall,  A priori estimates for singularities of the Lagrangian mean curvature flow with supercritical… Read more

Phi Beta Kappa Inductees

We congratulate the following RTG Undergraduate Researchers on their upcoming induction into Phi Beta Kappa. Malaika Shroff Joseph Stellman Joseph Yordy They will be recognized in a ceremony on October 30, 2024.  We are proud of their accomplishments!… Read more

Exciting happenings

With the fall semester underway, we want to highlight a few of the happenings with the RTG. We congratulate Assistant Professor Arunima Bhattacharya who was awarded a new NSF grant DMS-2350290, “Fully Nonlinear Equations and Minimal Submanifolds in Lagrangian Geometry”, which will provide her $234,951 in funding over the next… Read more

Research Roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Benjamin Bechtold, Graduate Student Presentation: Spring 2024 TAGMaC at UNC Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Newly posted: A. Bhattacharya and J. Wall,  Hessian estimates for… Read more


Congratulations to Maddie Brown who successfully defended her dissertation, “Fourier Coefficients of Restricted Eigenfunctions”.  It is a beautiful result and was a masterful presentation.  Maddie worked with Yaiza Canzani and Jeff Galkowski, and we also congratulate them. Maddie will be leaving for a postdoctoral position at the University of Auckland,… Read more

Teaching Award for Casey Rodriguez

Congratulations to RTG faculty member and co-PI Casey Rodriguez!  Casey is one of the 2024 recipients of the Goodman-Petersen Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Goodman-Petersen Awards were established thanks to a donation from UNC Mathematics Alumni Jennifer Johnson and Janos Kollar, and they are given annually by the Department… Read more

Research Roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Newly posted: J. Bernstein and A. Bhattacharya, The CR-volume of horizontal submanifolds of spheres. Upcoming Invited Talk: European Congress of… Read more

Shining Stars Recognized with 2023 Hettleman Prizes

The annual Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement have been awarded to five promising faculty members who exemplify groundbreaking and innovative research along with future career promise. These coveted awards, established in 1986 by the late Phillip Hettleman, a proud alumnus of the Carolina class of… Read more

University Research Week Event

During University Research Week, members of the research group will host an informal meet-up where students can delve into the exciting world of research and the pursuit of advanced degrees in mathematics. Date: October 26 Time: 2-3 PM Location: PH 365 Students can get insights, ask questions, and explore the… Read more

Research Roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Newly posted: J. Bernstein and A. Bhattacharya, Minimal surfaces and Colding-Minicozzi Entropy in the Complex Hyperbolic Space. Newly posted:… Read more

New grants in the group

Congratulations to RTG faculty members Arunima Bhattacharya, Jeremy Marzuola, and Casey Rodriguez on their new grants that were awarded! Arunima was awarded a Travel Support for Mathematicians grant from the Simons Foundation.  The project is titled “Nonlinear PDEs in Lagrangian Geometry” and will run 9/1/2023-8/31/2028. Jeremy’s grant from the National… Read more

Canzani’s new book

We congratulate PI Yaiza Canzani and her co-author Jeff Galkowski on the publication of their new book: Geodesic beams in eigenfunction analysis.  Yaiza and Jeff have pioneered many uses of geodesic beams to better understand the behavior of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian.  It is exciting to see a recap of their… Read more

Girls Talk Math

The RTG is excited to welcome the Girls Talk Math program back to campus.  This summer camp was started by two alumni, including Katrina Morgan who is beginning a new faculty position at Temple University and has returned for this year’s camp.  Each year a number of high school students… Read more

Congratulations to Michael Taylor

We congratulate Michael Taylor on his retirement after 36 years at UNC.  Michael is a 1970 PhD from Berkeley (with Cordes) and came to UNC in 1987.  Amongst his many accolades, he is an ICM speaker and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.  He has… Read more

Derrick Nowak dissertation defense

Congratulations to Dr. Derrick Nowak!  Derrick successfully defended his dissertation “Local smoothing of the Schrödinger equation on a multi-warped product with degenerate trapping on Thursday, May 11.  Congratulations also goes to Hans Christianson, who was Derrick’s thesis advisor.… Read more

Arunima Bhattacharya featured in SLMath Community Spotlight

The most recent Community Spotlight from MSRI / the Simons Lauer Mathematical Sciences Institute has featured RTG faculty member Arunima Bhattacharya.  You can read the article and learn more about Arunima here.  Congratulations to Arunima!… Read more

Research Roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Presentation: Geometry and Topology Seminar, Duke University (March 20, 2023) Presentation: Continuum Mechanics Seminar, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (March 30,… Read more

2023 Undergraduate Research Cohort

With graduation approaching, we want to congratulate our graduating class of undergraduate researchers. Ameer Qaquish has been working with Hans Christianson and will return to UNC in the biostatistics graduate program. David Snider studied with Mark Williams and recently defended his honors thesis “Nonlinear geometric optics for pulses with nonlinear… Read more

High school researchers

The members of the RTG’s first cohort of high school researchers are nearing the end of the senior year.  And we congratulate them on their enrollments at outstanding universities. Liam Buttita has been studying with RTG faculty member Casey Rodriguez.  Liam worked on obtaining helical equilibrium states for a Cosserat… Read more

RTG Member’s AIM Square Project

RTG group members Yaiza Canzani and Jeremy Marzuola recently returned from their last week-long SQuaRE (Structured Quartet Research Ensembles) at the the American Institute of Mathematics in San Jose, CA.  The two RTG members, along with their collaborators Greg Berkolaiko and Graham Cox began this journey in 2018, when their… Read more

Research roundup

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor Newly posted: J. Bernstein and A. Bhattacharya: Colding-Minicozzi Entropies in Cartan-Hadamard Manifolds Upcoming invited talk: Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of… Read more

Welcome Arunima Bhattacharya

We are excited to welcome our newest faculty member, Arunima Bhattacharya.  Arunima earned her Ph.D. in 2019 from the University of Oregon where she worked with Micah Warren.  She subsequently held postdoctoral positions at the University of Washington and SLMath.  Her research focuses on geometric analysis and nonlinear PDE.  Her… Read more

Developmental Training Groups

The first year of the Developmental Training Group, which was designed and led by Yaiza Canzani, just wrapped up.  This led to eight applications by students for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.  This is more than double the number of applications that is typical.  The students were surveyed and… Read more

2023 Brauer Lectures by Carlos Kenig

We are delighted to announce the return of the Brauer lectures within the Department of Mathematics at UNC.  The 2023 lectures will be given by Carlos Kenig, Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago. Carlos earned his PhD at the University of… Read more

Local AWM events

The local chapter of the AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics) is holding a number of fascinating events.  We want to encourage all of our group to participate.  See  This evening’s event (Monday, October 24) is a panel discussion on jobs for mathematicians outside of academia.  There is an… Read more

Postdoc hiring is live

We are now accepting applications for postdoctoral positions within the RTG.  Please see our ad on mathjobs for application instructions.  We anticipate hiring two postdocs.  Recommendations from colleagues are very welcome, and we would be glad to have our ad shared widely.… Read more

Maddie Brown’s summer work

We want to proudly highlight some of the summer work of Maddie Brown, one of our graduate students.  In addition to speaking in Bonn at the Young Women in Geometric Analysis conference and the CMS Summer Meeting in Newfoundland, she attended the Harmonic Analysis and Waves conference in Seattle and… Read more

Academic Job Search Panel

The RTG invites the graduate students within UNC’s Department of Mathematics to an informal discussion on First Academic Job Searches.  We’ll field questions about the types of positions, planning for your job applications, how to prepare materials, etc. We’ll meet on Tuesday, September 27, 3:30pm in PH332. This invitation is… Read more

Spring 2023 Topics Course

Jeremy Marzuola will offer a Graduate Topics Course (Math 891) in Spring 2023.  It will be titled: Stability of Nonlinear States in Evolution Equations.  We encourage you to enroll / watch for the course (after its completion) on the upcoming Online Topics Course Collaborative. Description: We cover existence theory for nonlinear… Read more

Research Round-up

We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group.  We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months. Yaiza Canzani (faculty) Newly posted: Y. Canzani and J. Toth: Lower bounds for eigenfunction restrictions in lacunary regions. Newly accepted: G. Berkolaiko, Y. Canzani, G.… Read more

Upcoming talks by RTG members

We proudly alert you to a number of upcoming presentations by RTG members. Maddie Brown (graduate student) Analysis Seminar at the University of New Mexico on Friday, September 9. Yaiza Canzani (faculty) QMATH 15 at the University of California – Davis, September 12-16 Colloquium at Northwestern University, October 5 Chern-Weil… Read more

Upcoming Colloquia

We are happy to announce that two of the upcoming colloquium speakers have research that is aligned with the RTG.  While we encourage you to attend all of the colloquia, we particularly alert you to the upcoming visits by: Yannick Sire, Johns Hopkins University, October 27 (3:30pm talk) Daniel Tataru,… Read more

UNC PDE Mini-school: Peter Hintz

We are very happy to announce that the 2022-23 UNC PDE Mini-school will feature a series of lectures by Peter Hintz from ETH Zürich.  We will have additional talks by Lili He, Katrina Morgan, and Ethan Sussman. The mini-school will take place March 24-26, 2023.  Watch the RTG webpage for… Read more

Conference in honor of Steve Zelditch

We wanted to alert you to the upcoming Conference in honor of Steve Zelditch, which will take place virtually September 8-11, 2022.  Steve has had a profound impact on the careers of several of the RTG faculty.  Please follow the link to register. We will advertise other conference opportunities through… Read more

Christianson’s work with the Correctional Education Program

We want to highlight the outreach work that co-PI Hans Christianson has been doing through the Correctional Education Program.  This past summer, Hans spent two nights a week teaching Math 118 at the Dan River Work Farm in Yanceyville.  Hans reports the work to be quite rewarding, and we are… Read more

Girls Talk Math

It was a pleasure to welcome the Girls Talk Math program back to campus this past summer.  The RTG is proud to support this free educational summer program that strives to make advanced mathematics accessible to students of underrepresented genders in STEM.  Its founders, Katrina Morgan and Francesca Bernardi, are… Read more

Conference Opportunities

As we welcome back graduate student Maddie Brown from giving talks at The 2022 Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting in St. John’s, Newfoundland where she spoke in a special session titled “Geometry of eigenfunctions and random fields”.   This session also features UNC postdoctoral alumnus Graham Cox as an organizer,… Read more

Ph.D. Students graduate in 2022.

Ph.D. students Collin Kofroth, Gary Moon, Grace Conte, and Taylor Rhoads all defended their Ph.D.’s recently.  Congratulations all!!… Read more