We will regularly announce newly posted articles and newly accepted articles within the group. We are proud to announce the following updates from the past few months.
Arunima Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor
- Newly appeared: A. Bhattacharya, M. Warren, and D. Weser, A Liouville type theorem for ancient Lagrangian Mean Curvature flows, Communications in Partial Differential Equations (2025), 1–12
- Newly appeared: A. Bhattacharya and A. Skorobogatova, Variational integrals on Hessian spaces: partial regularity for critical points, Nonlinear Analysis 255 (2025), 113760
- Newly accepted: J. Bernstein and A. Bhattacharya, The CR-volume of horizontal submanifolds of spheres, International Mathematics Research Notices
- Upcoming invited talk: Colloquium, TIFR Center for Applicable Mathematics, Bengaluru, India, February 2025
- Upcoming invited talk: PDE seminar, Brown University, August 2025
- Upcoming invited talk: Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs and Geometry, AMS sectional meeting, University of Denver, August 2025
Yaiza Canzani, Professor
Award: Board of Governors’ Award for Excellence in Teaching
Newly accepted: Y. Canzani, J. Galkowski, and B. Keeler. Asymptotics for the spectral function on Zoll manifolds. Journal of Spectral Theory.
Invited talk: Geometric Spectral Theory and Applications Program Conference, March 23-27, 2026. (ISAAC Newton Institute; Cambridge, UK)
Conference organization: Member at Large on the Joint Math Meetings Program Committee
Hans Christianson, Professor
- Newly posted: Hans Christianson and John Toth, Small-scale mass estimates for Laplace eigenfunctions on compact C2 manifolds with boundary
Govanni Granados, Postdoc
Award: SIAM Postdoctoral Support
Upcoming Invited Talk: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Fort Worth, TX (March 5, 2025)
Hanna Kim, Postdoc
- Newly posted: Hanna N. Kim and Richard S. Laugesen, Two disks maximize the third Robin eigenvalue: positive parameters
Jeremy Marzuola, Professor
Newly Posted: Greg Berkolaiko, Yaiza Canzani, Graham Cox, Peter Kuchment and Jeremy L. Marzuola, Stability of Spectral Partitions with Corners
Newly Accepted: T. Alazard, J. L. Marzuola, and J. Wang: Damping for fractional wave equations and applications to water waves. Accepted to Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliqués (2024).
Newly posted: Roy H. Goodman, Grace Conte, and Jeremy L. Marzuola QGLab: A MatLab Package for Computations on Quantum Graphs. Accepted to SIAM Journal of Scientific Computation.
Newly Appeared: Greg Berkolaiko, Yaiza Canzani, Graham Cox and Jeremy L. Marzuola. Homology of spectral minimal partitions, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 111, No. 1 (2025), Paper No. e70065.
Upcoming Workshop: Interpretable Algorithms for High-Dimensional Data Sets: Analysis, Computation, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Statistics, ICERM, Providence, RI, May 12 – 16, 2025
Jason Metcalfe, Professor
- Newly Posted: Marvin Koonce and Jason Metcalfe, The sharp lifespan for a system of multiple speed wave equations: Radial case.
- Conference organization: JAMI 2025 – The interplay of harmonic analysis, eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, and dispersive partial differential equations. May 19-24, 2025
Casey Rodriguez, Assistant Professor
Newly posted: V. Prusa, K. R. Rajagopal, C. Rodriguez, L. Trnka, and M. Vejvoda. Modeling metamaterials by second-order rate-type constitutive relations between only the macroscopic stress and strain.
Newly accepted: D. Cichra, V. Prusa, K. R. Rajagopal, C. Rodriguez, and M. Vejvoda. The conclusion that metamaterials could have negative mass is a consequence of improper constitutive characterisation. Math. Mech. Solids, to appear.
Newly appeared: K. R. Rajagopal and C. Rodriguez. A mathematical justification for nonlinear constitutive relations between stress and linearized strain. Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 75, 210 (2024).
Upcoming Invited Talk: PDE Seminar at Vanderbilt University
Presentation: Blackwell-Tapia Conference, ICERM, Brown University (November 15-16, 2024)
Daniel Weser, Postdoc
- Newly appeared: A. Bhattacharya, M. Warren, and D. Weser, A Liouville type theorem for ancient Lagrangian mean curvature flows. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 50(1–2), 118–129 (2025).
Mark Williams, Professor
Newly appeared: Jian Wang and Mark Williams, Transport of nonlinear oscillations along rays that graze a convex obstacle to any order, Annals of PDE, 11:7 (2025).
Newly posted: Jian Wang and Mark Williams, Convex waves grazing convex obstacles to high order, 40 pages, arXiv:2412.11926