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Lectures and Workshops

Flipping the Script on Traffic Violence 

By the end of this year, over 40,000 people are expected to die on US roads and countless more will be injured. People who walk or bike will represent a disproportionate share of those killed or injured. Marketing expert Tom Flood (Rovélo Creative) has been working to build skills for communicating the breadth and urgency of road safety. In a free two-day workshop, we will work with Tom to learn more about how to communicate this critical issue to the public and elected leaders.

The workshop includes a casual bicycle ride and walk through local areas, facilitated discussion, and a hands-on learning and development session.



Roadways for a Safer Future

The “Roadways for a Safer Future”  lecture series aims to broaden understanding of transportation safety as a “systems” issue, and learn how to leverage that system to improve safety, equity, and mobility outcomes for all people. In 2021, we have explored various ways observational data are used to inform—and sometimes misinform—road safety initiatives at the local and state levels. We have also reflected on the gaps between what we know about road safety and decision-making in policy and practice, circling around a fundamental question: why do we keep building and operating a system that allows for 40,000 deaths—and untold more life-altering injuries—every year?

The lecture series is organized by Tab Combs, Seth LaJeunesse, and Wesley Kumfer and offered through the University of North Carolina’s Department of City and Regional Planning with support from the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety.
