About the Symposium
Whether archivist or analyst, many students at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) are preparing to enter information institutions steeped in injustice. But as fresh voices in their field, they have a chance to disrupt the status quo. They may be fighting for equitable information access, preserving the history of marginalized communities, or exposing the violence of digital surveillance. Whatever their passion, faculty, staff, and fellow students at SILS are here to flame their fires. That’s why we gather with intention at the end of each year—to hand students the mic at the Symposium on Information for Social Good.
This symposium is an annual SILS tradition that showcases the work of students related to information ethics and justice. As well as inviting the public, we encourage the entire SILS community to come together in support of our students. The symposium features a prominent keynote speaker from the information professions and a full day of panels and posters designed by SILS students.
At the 2023 symposium, graduate students in INLS 776: Ethics, Values and Society will present the panels, while undergraduate students in INLS 384: Information and Computer Ethics will present the posters. As always, the topics, content, and structure will be decided by the students.
The 2023 symposium is being organized by Dr. Francesca Tripodi with help from Deirdre Mcleod and Darvin Heo.To learn more about previous years’ symposiums, take a look at the symposium archive.