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The “Learning about Viral Epidemics through Engagement with Different Types of Models,” also known as the Multiple Models Project (MMP), is funded through the National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12 program. The goal of this project is to explore how students learn about viral epidemics while developing competencies for scientific modeling. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for the science education community to be better prepared for supporting student learning about viral outbreaks. Scientific modeling is a practice highlighted in the NGSS and can be used as a productive tool to support student sense-making about complex issues such as viral epidemics. Given the multi-dimensional nature of complex issues like viral outbreaks, engaging learners with different types of models (e.g., mechanistic, computational and system models) is critical. However, there is little research available regarding how learners coordinate sensemaking across different models. This project addresses the gap by studying student learning with different types of models and uses these findings to create and study new curriculum materials that incorporate multiple models for teaching about viral epidemics in science classes. The study explores three aspects of student learning: a) conceptual understandings about viral epidemics, b) epistemic understandings associated with modeling, and c) model-informed reasoning about viral epidemics and potential solutions.

Viral_spread_modelThe project will pursue two main goals: 1) Promote student learning about viral epidemics through engagement in modeling practices across different types of models. 2) Research student modeling practices and learning about viral epidemics and explore optimal ways to support student engagement with different types of models.

The MMP is a collaborative project between researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill and the University of Missouri along with middle school teachers and students.

NSF project page

CADRE project pag

System Diagram Session 2 (1).jpeg