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Welcome to my website! I’m a fourth year math PhD student at University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. My advisor is Richard Rimanyi. I graduated from University of Texas at Austin in May 2021, with a Bachelor of Science in Math and Physics. My research interests are neighborhoods of algebraic geometry, high energy mathematical physics (especially mirror symmetry, QFT/TQFT, and string theory), and geometric and categorical representation theory. Warning: This list is highly volatile.

When I’m not doing math, I enjoy working out (running/weightlifting), slowly learning guitar, and creating lists that obey the rule of three.






For a complete list of talks and conferences, see my CV.

Talks given (In an epsilon neighborhood of today):

Algebraic Topology of Configuration Spaces – TBD, jGMRT @ UNC-CH.


Stable Envelopes for T*P^n – September 2023, Stable Envelopes Seminar @ UNC-CH.

Cohomology ring of the full flag variety – August 2023, jGMRT @ UNC-CH.

27 Lines via Equivariant Localization – April 2023, Equivariant Cohomology Seminar @ UNC-CH.

Integration formulas in Equivariant Cohomology – March 2023, Equivariant Cohomology Seminar @ UNC-CH.

Kahler Geometry and Hodge Theory – February 2023, jGMRT @ UNC-CH.

Conferences attended (In an epsilon neighborhood of today):

Richmond Geometry Meeting – Aug 2024, Virginia Commonwealth University


Geometric Representation Theory and Moduli Spaces – Nov 2023, UNC-CH

Los Angeles Workshop on Representation theory and Geometry (LAWRGe) (3d Mirror Symmetry and 3d TQFT) – Jun 2023, USC

Hyperkahler Quotients, Singularities, and Quivers – Jan/Feb 2023, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics