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Science: We work to understand how mammalian cells repair chromosome breaks. We focus on end joining repair pathways, and the critical contribution these pathways make to causing and curing cancer, as well as genome engineering. We make use of cutting edge and standard tools in biochemistry, molecular biology, and somatic cell genetics, and collaborate with groups that have expertise in structural biology, model organism genetics, and single-molecule dynamics.

Training: Trainees are challenged to develop rigorous approaches to answer fundamental questions, and along the way acquire the skills to pursue diverse careers in science. We promote a collegial, collaborative environment through weekly lab meetings, as well as monthly presentations within a larger local interest group (triangle genome stability labs). Trainees in our lab have been supported by a variety of T32 training programs, and have a good track record in obtaining independent funding.

If you’re interested in rotating, post-doc’ing, or interning in our lab, please contact us.