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Dr. Rager leads the following two courses:

ENVR 730: Computational Toxicology and Exposure Science

This course provides an introduction to the field of computational toxicology and exposure science. Students will be equipped to understand databases, tools, and analysis methods that can more efficiently evaluate chemical-biological and chemical-disease relationships. Many of the materials in this course are based upon training provided through the TAME Toolkit as well as additional expertise provided from experts in our Department and nearby institutions including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The course is designed for students in toxicology, exposure science, chemistry, advanced public health, and related disciplines. PhD students are encouraged to take the course, though advanced undergraduate and Masters-level students with strong STEM backgrounds may contact the course instructor for suitability.

ENVR 500: Environmental Processes, Exposure, and Risk Assessment

This course equips students with a broad understanding of causes of environmental pollution, pollutant transformation in and movement through the environment, effects on human health, and how these data are used to evaluate chemical risk and associated regulatory policy within the changing landscape of environmental risk assessment.

This course is designed for those obtaining Masters of Public Health (MPH) degrees as well as upper level undergraduates, though other students are welcome to take the course.

Dr. Rager also provides guest lectures in the following courses:

  • ENVR 240, UNC (Spring, 2019- present)
    • Title: “Introduction to Human Exposure and Health Effects Research.” Course instructors: Rebecca Fry and student leads from IEHS. Role in course: Guest lecturer on topic of computational toxicology.
  • ENVR 430, UNC (Fall, 2019- present)
    • Title: “Health Effects of Environmental Agents.” Course instructors: Kun Lu. Role in course: Guest lecturer on topic of epigenetics.
  • ENVR 442, UNC (Fall, 2018- present)
    • Title: “Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology.” Course instructors: Gregory Smith. Role in course: Guest lecturer on topic of computational toxicology and risk assessment.
  • BIO 592, NCSU (Spring, 2019- 2021)
    • Title: “Computational Environmental Sciences and Toxicology.” Course instructors: David Reif, Fred Wright, Denis Fourches, and Yi-Hui Zhou. Role in course: Guest lecturer on topic of exposomics.
  • EPID 742, UNC (Spring, 2019)
    • Title: “Biomarkers in Population-Based Research.” Course instructor: Stephanie Engel. Role in course: Guest lecturer on topic of microRNAs as biomarkers of exposure and effect.
  • ENVR 630, UNC (Fall, 2011-2020)
    • Title: “Systems Biology in Environmental Health.” Course instructor: Rebecca Fry. Role in course: Guest lecturer for classes on computational toxicology and benchmark dose-response modeling.