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Journal V week 9/21-9/25

This week we met with our client Naya to further clarify the expectation of our product. Naya is concerned about the affects of yearly updates of the data on the dashboard. The dashboard updates automatically based on the data that it uses; however, the python script we plan to use to generate the dataset suitable for the dashboard might work for future datasets because future datasets might required a lot of specific cleaning. The cleaning process is hard to be automated and might require manual input; however, the rest (normalizing and merging) can be done with the python script created by us, which built the corresponding dataset used by the dashboard.

We also met with our mentor to discuss our application architecture. We actually don’t have much to decide on our own because our client specified wordpress and tableau as the ideal tools to use. We also shared some updates on the clickable prototype with Mike because we received new information from Naya. We’ll continue to update the prototype to fit Naya’s expectations.