Child Feces Disposal
Improving child feces disposal practices and eliminating open defecation
Child feces disposal is considered safe when children use toilets/latrines or when caretakers rinse children’s feces into a toilet/latrine, and unsafe child feces disposal refers to open defecation by children or failure to remove children’s feces from the open. Most interventions to reduce open defecation have focused primarily on adults, though the safe disposal of children’s feces is just as important from a public health standpoint. We work to understand child feces disposal and open defecation practices in low- and middle-income countries and humanitarian settings in order to promote safer practices and reduce the burden of disease related to inadequate sanitation.
Selected related publications
- Verkuilen, A., Sprouse, L., Beardsley, R., Lebu, S., Salzberg, A., & Manga, M. (2023). Effectiveness of the Swachh Bharat Mission and barriers to ending open defecation in India: a systematic review. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11.
- Sprouse, L., Liles, A., Cronk, R., Bauza, V., Tidwell, J. B., & Manga, M. (2022). Interventions to address unsafe child feces disposal practices in the Asia-Pacific region: a systematic review. H2Open Journal, 5(4), 583-602.
- Beardsley, R., Cronk, R., Tracy, W., Fleming, L., Ng’ambi, M., Tidwell, J. B., & Manga, M. (2021). Factors associated with safe child feces disposal in Ethiopia, India, and Zambia. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 237, 113832.