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5.4 | Share It | Setting Your AI Goals

July 12, 2023

To complete this module along with the entire professional development, think about 1-3 areas you would like to strengthen based on the self-assessment you completed using the AI Checklist. Next, create a goal for them using the “SMART” strategy. Each … Read more

5.3 | Apply It | Completing Your AI Checklist

July 12, 2023

Now that you have had an overview, you are asked to download the AI Checklist and complete it based on your context and work. A few key elements to consider before completing it: There is a wide and ever-growing number of … Read more

5.2 | Learn It | Making a Plan for Your AI Integration

July 6, 2023

In the following video, Dr. Donita Robinson from the Bowles Center will provide an overview of the AI Checklist, which focuses on three areas: Teaching, Scholarship, and Productivity. In the upcoming “Apply It” activity, you will be asked to complete … Read more