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Math Journals


Math journals, also known as math notebooks or math diaries, are tools used in the classroom to encourage reflective thinking, problem-solving skills, and the documentation of mathematical learning and experiences. They provide students with a space to record their thoughts, strategies, observations, reflections, and responses to math-related activities, problems, or lessons. They serve as excellent documentation of a student’s progress over a unit, quarter, and school year.

When planning to use math journals, decide on the following: 

  • What kind of problems will my students record in their journals?

It may make the most sense for your class to work out their “do now”/morning work problems in their math notebook. Or, it may be easier to complete an entry as an exit ticket. You can also incorporate math journals throughout a lesson, using it as a way for student to take notes.

  • How will math journals be assessed?

Letting students know if their entries will be evaluated using a rubric, by completion, or in another way lets them further understand the expectations. Math journals can also be completed without a grade attached to them.


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