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Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4

Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.


Students will determine how a vocabulary word is represented or symbolized in a piece of 360° media.

360° Learning Experience

[Prior to this activity, students would have been introduced to vocabulary words from a text.] Teachers show students a 360° image or video based on a text they read along with the list of vocabulary words. Next, students view the image/video and are asked to make a connection between it and one or more vocabulary words, and to support that connection, students must explain how the image/video connects or represents the vocabulary word(s). Essentially, students answer the question: How does the image or video represent the vocabulary word?

Recommended Teaching Strategy

Example of the 360° Learning Experience

In this example, the word list includes creative, inventive, informational, solitude, ominous. In the example below, the word inventive is the focus.

The artist who created this statue is very creative due to the way it combines gems, sculpture, and structure to form a signature piece in the garden. No other statue was ever been so elegantly crafted to produce that effect on its viewers. 

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