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Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.3

Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.


Students will analyze a video or image and determine the accuracy of the information being presented in it.

360° Learning Experience

Teachers create a scenario based on a 360° image or video that shows language being used verbally by two people to communicate, signs that transmit information, and/or other forms of symbolic expression. Teachers next allow time for students to study the image or video before asking them to make a decision based on the information gained from it. For example, teachers can what information the person or sign in the video or image is trying to communicating or if it did effectively communicate that information. Or, what information from the person or sign in the video or image is misleading and how can it be determined that the information is indeed misleading. As part of that decision, students will need to document the information they gained from the image or video and explain how it informed their understanding of the information being communicated.

Recommended Teaching Strategy

Examples of Figurative Language 

Based on the videos below, the following questions and responses could be used:

1. How did the language, color, signs, and displays function in each of the videos to encourage customers to make purchases?

In the Ice Cream Shop video, the sign includes images of the desserts along with the names and descriptions of them. In this way, the sign attempts to make customers want the ice cream shown in the video. However, in the Grocery Store, the signs are used to specifically communicate information about the price of the product. There is no need to show the product because the signs are located above it. Therefore, it too encourages customers to make purchases by showing only the necessary information about its price without overwhelming them with information.

2. Explain if the ice cream shop use language and color in the same ways that the grocery store did to attract customers?

No, the Ice Cream Shop and the Grocery Store each use language in different ways. The Ice Cream Shop uses language and images to entice customers into ordering the advertised treats. The Grocery Store, however, provides minimal information, so customers can freely look at the product with about being distracted by large signs. Because the Ice Cream Shop and Grocery Stores have specific purposes for their signs, their signs are different.

Recommended 360° Video



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