Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.3
Students will analyze a text with a changing phenomenon and explain how the phenomenon changed during the course of the text.
360 Learning Experience
Teachers select a text that includes a phenomenon (e.g., person/character, setting, event, object, or idea) changing over time. Before reading the text, teachers show a 360° video or image of that phenomenon before the change. Then, following the reading of the text, teachers ask students if they think the phenomenon represented in the 360° video or image was captured before or after the action in the text. To support their thinking, the teacher has students complete a graphic organizer that includes a place for them to draw the phenomenon as described in the text, a quote from the text that informed their thinking, and a short explanation if the phenomenon in the 360° video or image was captured before or after the text. Teachers next lead a discussion with their students regarding what evidence from the text informed their thinking. After the conversation, students would submit a graphic organizer.
Recommended Teaching Strategy
Prompt: In Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the barn is a significant place for Lenny. Complete the graphic organizer to explain if you think the barn shown in this 360° video was taken before or after the novel took place.