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Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.2

Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.


Students will analyze 360° media and websites to determine if they would or would not eat at a restaurant.

360° Learning Experience

Teachers provide 360° videos and/or images of a restaurant’s food, dining room, and other areas, as well as links to its menu, website, and reviews to students. Teachers can also direct students to search the internet and other resources for additional information about the restaurant. Using the compiled information, students work together to analyze what a dining experience might be like if they ate there. To conclude, students will use specific examples to explain in writing if they would or would not eat at the restaurant based on their analysis.

Recommended Teaching Strategy

Example 360° Learning Experience

For this activity, teachers will pose the question, would you want to eat a Sutton’s Drug Store and Grill in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and provide them this link to the restaurant’s website and the videos below. An example response to “Would you want to eat at Sutton’s Drug Store and Grill” is:

Based on its website, reviews, and the 360° videos, I would definitely eat at Sutton’s Drug Store and Grill because I love cheeseburgers and this restaurant was highly rated. When looking at their menu and the style of food they serve – hamburgers cooked on the grill and served with french fries are some of my favorites – I saw several meals I would like to order. Plus, about the quality of the food, they have nearly 600 reviews with an average of 4.7 stars. Based on the what they serve and the feedback left by customers, I would gladly eat at this restaurant. 

Video 1

Video 2


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