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Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.3

Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.


Students will evaluate a speaker’s language and gesture to express the purpose for the oration.

360° Learning Experience

Teachers show students a 360° video of a person making a speech, presentation, or other type of verbal address. In pairs or small groups, students explore the 360° video by listening and watching the speaker make their comments as well as the audience’s reactions to the comments to determine the speaker’s effectiveness. The student pairs or groups can share their determinations by identifying specific uses of rhetoric and gesture and their impact on the audience.

Teaching Strategy

Example Written Response

In this video, the professor is explaining a prototype to the class. During the explanation, the professor points out the three purposes that are how can educators use 360° videos for instructional purposes, the supports educators need for integrating 360° videos into their teaching, and how can a platform be helpful to educators wishing to use 360° videos. To highlight his points, the professor raises one, two, or three fingers for each point and also states the number as his transition statements. These rhetorical devices help structure the professor’s comments. Lastly, the students appear to be engaged because many are listening to the professor’s comments and taking notes, though some are using their phones. 

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