2023 Competition
2023 Triangle Brain Bee Competition
When: Sat. March 4, 2023 1-3pm
Where: Duke University – Levine Science Research Center (LSRC), Love Auditorium, B101
Competition Format: Questions will cover content taught in our weekly lessons from the BrainFacts book. Questions will be free-response format. After the first round, contestants will be eliminated if they incorrectly answered three questions. After the second round, contestants will be eliminated if they incorrectly answer two questions. For the third and final round, contestants will be eliminated once they incorrectly answer one question. Contestants will write their responses on a white board and our panel of judges (graduate students and postdocs) will help determine scoring for each question. In addition to our graduate student judges, a moderator/MC will read the questions and yield potential follow-up questions/clarifications.
12:30-1: Contestants check-in
1-1:15: Competition Introduction
1:15-1:45: Keynote Speaker, Gabriella Alvarez, PhD Candidate – UNC-CH
1:45-2: Break
2-2:50: Brain Bee Competition
2:50-3: Break
3-3:15: Awards Ceremony & Final Remarks
- 1st Place: $$$ gift card + advance onto 2023 National Brain Bee
- 2nd Place: $$ gift card
- 3rd Place: $ gift card
- Everyone: t-shirts, brain stress balls…
2023 USA National Brain Bee Championship Information:
When: April 21-23
Where: University of California, Irvine
See National Brain Bee site for more info: https://cnlm.uci.edu/2023-usa-brain-bee/
Registration for the 2023 USA Brain Bee Championship will open on February 15. All participants and their chaperones must register. The registration fee of $200 for the participant and $200 for the chaperone shall be paid by credit card on the registration page. Competitors must be accompanied by a chaperone.
- 1st Place: $1,500 + advance onto 2023 International Brain Bee
- 2nd Place: $1000
- 3rd Place: $500
- Top 10: trophies
- Everyone: participation certificate
2023 International Brain Bee Championship Information:
More information on the International Brain Bee organization’s site here.
Format: In previous years, all competitors completed four separate tests (written exam, neuroanatomy, neurohistology, and patient diagnosis) under pre-arranged supervision within a 24-hour timeframe at the beginning of the World Championship. Based on their total combined scores, 24 finalists participated in the second part of the competition, a live question-and-answer round with four prominent neuroscientist judges.
- 1st Place: $3000 + paid summer internship
- 2nd Place: $2000 + paid summer internship
- 3rd Place: $1000 + mentorship calls with two neuroscience experts
Contact us at TriangleBrainBee@unc.edu if you have questions about the 2023 Triangle Brain Bee!