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1. What is the purpose of this study?

The TEAM+ study is designed to test the ease and satisfaction of having a family support component for a weight loss program delivered on-line (virtually) compared to a family support component delivered in-person among Black adults. Family involvement is an important factor in the management of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension in Black populations. We are testing different strategies and components to increase family involvement in weight loss programs for Black adults. In this study, we are testing if a family support training is better offered on-line or in-person.

The weight loss program will provide information, skills training, and strategies to improve eating habits and increase physical activity. The family support component will help build skills to help provide support for a family member trying to improve the healthy behaviors associated with weight loss.  

2. Who can participate?

Black adults, ages 18-75, and a family member. Our plan is to have 20 family pairs or 40 participants.

3. How to get started?

We will ask you to complete several steps in order to participate. These steps are outlined in the attached flow diagram. In brief, we will:

  • Call you to answer questions you may have about the study, find out if you want to take part, and check to see if you qualify. If you qualify and are interested, we will do the following:
  • Call again to go over the consent form. We will ask you to sign the form (online or at your first visit).
  • Ask you to complete some surveys online or by phone.
  • Ask you to come to our research office in Chapel Hill to complete some study measures, receive your random assignment (like flipping a coin) to one of the study groups.

4. The Progam

Weight Loss Program

  • Month 1: Participant and family member attend 4 weekly in -person lifestyle change sessions with a health educator (each about 60 minutes).
  • Month 2: Participant and family member attend 2 bi-weekly in -person lifestyle change sessions with a health educator (each about 60 minutes).
  • Month 3: Participant and family member attend 1 in -person lifestyle change sessions with a health educator (about 60 minutes).

Family Support Training (Family Skills Training)

  • Month 1: Participant and family member attend 2 family skills sessions in-person or on-line with health educator (each about 30 minutes).

5. What will it cost me to participate?

You will receive the weight loss programs free of charge. Your only costs will be traveling to the study site for group sessions and measurement visits.

6. Will I receive money for taking part?

Yes, each family pair (participant and family member) will receive $40 total ($20 each) for each of the 7 in-person lifestyle sessions attended and each of the 2 family support sessions attended.

A few of family pairs (participant and family member) who participate in the study will be randomly invited to be interviewed about their participation in the study. Family pairs (participant and family member) who complete the interview will receive $40 total ($20).

7. What happens next?

If you WANT to take part, please let us know by sending an email Please let us know your preferred phone number and some good times to reach you by phone.

If you know you DO NOT want to take part, please let us know at the email.

If we do not hear from you, we will try to reach you by phone within the next 2 weeks to answer any questions you might have about the study and to see if you would like to take part.