My research interests currently center on perinatal mental health. I am invested in using technology-based and person-centered methods to improve our understanding, assessment, prevention, and treatment of mental health within the perinatal period. I am also invested in research methods, and efforts to improve our experimental designs to better capture dynamic, multilevel, and personalized processes as they relate to mental health and its treatment.
Therapist (in-training).
It’s cheesy, I know, but I always wanted a job that would help people. In school, I found myself excited by psychology, and the idea of supporting individual well-being as a therapist. I am now completing a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and committed to becoming an anti-oppressive and trauma-informed clinician.
Yoga Teacher.
I have loved dance and music since I was young, and have always felt at home in a studio. So, I was thrilled to complete my yoga teacher training and a specialization in perinatal yoga. I am committed to creating an empowering space for students of all levels to explore the benefits of movement and mindfulness.