Career Advice
Inside Higher Education – Carpe Careers
Navigating the hidden curriculum: Part I (2023)
Navigating the hidden curriculum: Part II (2023)
Let’s Talk About Mental Health (2022)
Lessons from the trenches of motherhood and academe (2021)
Prototyping your career (2021)
Ph.D.s Benefit When Universities Track Metrics and Outcomes (2021)
Should You Look for a Window Instead of a Door? (2020)
Navigating Career Pivots (2020)
Network you way into the new year (2019)
Harnessing the Power of Systematic Career Exploration (2018)
(Authored by Dr. Layton and lab members)
LinkedIn Articles
Are you looking for perspective? Take a trip…1000 feet up! (2020)
Are you a skilled LinkedIn networker? 6 Secrets to Success – Up Your Game! (2020)
Just getting started? 5 Tips to a Better LinkedIn Profile (2020)
Career pivots: Making the most of your skills & experiences-A Military Addendum for PhDs (2020)
There’s no such thing as a neutral question -Ask & ye may find [exactly what you asked for]! (2019)
Using a Coaching Philosophy to Mentor: A Toolkit for Building Up Empowered Mentees (2018)
(Dr. Layton’s popular media writings)
Featured in Podcasts:
How would you hire your next teammate (The Unconference, 2021)
How to gain clarity around career goals–An interview with Beka Layton (Informational Interview 2.0, 2020)
A Q&A with university program director Rebekah Layton (How did you get that job?, 2020)