Presentations & Publications
- Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P. S., Kinsey, D., & Shekell, C. (2024, February 16-18). Analyzing data from simulated teaching experiences to support teachers’ learning of ambitious teaching practices [Paper Presentation]. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Denver, CO.
- Halder, S., Mikeska, J. N., Howell, H., Kinsey, D., Maltese, A. (2024. March 17-21). Using an Online Practice Suite in Teacher Preparation: Perspectives from Pre-service Teachers and Teacher Educators [Poster presentation]. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Park Rogers, M., Ogundapo, T., Namakula, E., Lane, K., Cross Francis, D., Kaur Bharaj, P, Ataide Pinheiro, W., Maltese, A., Mikeska, J. N., Shekell, C. (2024, March 17-20). Preservice teachers’ facilitation of argumentation: Exploring their attention to and perceived complexity of students’ thinking [Paper presentation]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Denver, CO.
- Cross Francis, D., Bharaj, P.K., Mikeska, J. N., Gustaveson, A., Shekell, C., & Pinheiro, W.A. (2024, April 11-14). Exploring elementary pre-service teachers’ professional identity development trajectories through participation in practice-based simulations [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- Howell, H.; Mikeska, J. N., Kinsey, D., Lottero-Perdue, P. (2024, April 11-14). Preservice Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Argumentation Learning After Two Online Simulated Approximations of Practice [Paper presented]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA
- Bressler, D., Davis, B., Shekell, C., Park Rogers, M., Masters, H.L., Zangori, L., …Howell, H. (2023, April 18-21). Investigating How Preservice Teachers Learn to Facilitate Argumentation-Focused Discussions through Online Simulations. [Related Paper Set presentation]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.
- Addido, J., Howell, H., & Mikeska, J. N. (2023, June 28-30). Using a suite of online simulations to promote elementary preservice teachers’ facilitation of argumentation-focused discussions in mathematics and science: Selected results. [Poster presentation.] 2023 NSF DRK-12 PI Meeting, Crystal City, VA.
- Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P.S., Maltese, A., & Addido, J. (2023, June 12). Using representations from digital approximations of practice to support science teacher learning. NARST Virtual Event.
- Shekell, C., Mikeska, J. N., & Bharaj, P.K. (2023, April 18-21). Examining what and how secondary science preservice teachers learn from using online simulated teaching experiences. In “Investigating How Preservice Teachers Learn to Facilitate Argumentation-Focused Discussions through Online Simulations.” [Paper presentation.] National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Park Rogers, M., Lane, K. D., Ogundapo, T., Cross Francis, D., Kaur Bharaj, P., Karumanthra, A., Kitts, K., Perry, S., Maltese, A., Mikeska, J. N., & Shekell, C. (2023, April 18-21). Examining preservice teachers’ performances facilitating argumentation in a teaching simulator. In “Investigating How Preservice Teachers Learn to Facilitate Argumentation-Focused Discussions through Online Simulations.” [Paper presentation.] National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Benedict-Chambers, M., Madden, L., Park Rogers, M., Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P.S., & Maltese, A. (2023, April 18-21). Preservice teachers noticing and positioning students as “knowers” in equitable argumentation-based discussions. In “Investigating How Preservice Teachers Learn to Facilitate Argumentation-Focused Discussions through Online Simulations.” [Paper presentation.] National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Mikeska, J. N., Cross Francis, D., Lottero-Perdue, Pamela S., Park Rogers, M., Shekell, C., Bharaj, P.K., Howell, H., & Reich, J. (2023, April 13-17). Using online simulations to promote elementary preservice teachers’ facilitation of argumentation-focused mathematics and science discussions. [Paper presentation.] American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Howell, H., Shekell, C., Mikeska, J. N., & Bharaj, P. K. (2023, February 2-4). Implementing a scaffolded set of approximations of practice for secondary preservice teachers: Initial pilot findings. [Poster presentation.] Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Liebars, C., Goldberg, A., Rillero, P. (2023, February 2-4). ELK: A simulation for eliciting learner knowledge. [Paper presentation]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Snider, R., Hargrove, T., & Morge, S. (2023, February 2-4). Posing productive questions: preservice teachers’ patterns of questioning to elicit mathematical ideas. [Discussion session.] Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Snider, R., Shekell, C., Howell, H., Bharaj, P. K., & Cross Francis, D. (2023, February 2-4). What do we miss: What do preservice teacher self reflections conceal from teacher educators?[Discussion session.] Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Shekel, C., Mikeska, J. N., Howell, H., Bharaj, P. K., & Cross Francis, D. (2023, February 2-4). Task design: Matching tasks with discursive goals in preservice teacher learning. [Paper presentation.] Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Mikeska, J. N., Shekell, C., Howell, H., & Lottero-Perdue, P.S. (2023, January 11-14). Using online simulations within secondary science method course to support preservice teachers in learning how to facilitate argumentation-focused discussions. [Poster presentation.]. Association for Science Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Shekell, C., Mikeska, J. N., Howell, H., Cross Francis, D., Bharaj, P.K., & Dix, J. (2022, November 17-19). Mathematical argumentation: Alignment of task goals with preservice teachers’ enactments in a simulated classroom. Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN.
- Wang, M., Thompson, M., Pereria, G., Mikeska, J. N., Maltese, A., & Reich, J. (2022, July 18). Investigating how teacher educators implement and preservice teachers respond to online simulations on argumentation-focused discussions. Filipiak, D. & Kalir, J. H. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the 2022 Connected Learning Summit. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press. (pp. 109–118)
- Mikeska, J. N., Shekell, C., Maltese, A., Reich, J., Thompson, M.M., Howell, H., Lottero-Perdue, P., & Park Rogers, M. (2022, April 11-15). Exploring the potential of an online suite of practice-based activities for supporting preservice elementary teachers in learning how to facilitate argumentation-focused discussions in mathematics and science. [Paper presentation.] Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Lottero-Perdue, P.S., Masters, H.L., Mikeska, J. N., Thompson, M.M., Park Rogers, M., Cross Francis, D. (2022, March 27-30). Elementary preservice teachers’ noticing of scientific argumentation within two online practice spaces. [Paper presentation.]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC.
- Mikeska, J. N., Shekell, C., Dix, J., & Lottero-Perdue, P.L. (2022, January 6-8). “Unnatural how natural it was”: Using a performance task and simulated classroom for preservice teachers to practice engaging student avatars in scientific argumentation. [Paper presentation.]. Association for Science Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC.
- Park-Rogers, M., Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P.S., Masters, H., Hermann, R., Zangori, L, & Cross Francis, D. (2022, January 6-8). Exploring pedagogies of practice that support preservice teachers in learning how to facilitate argumentation-focused discussions. [Exploratory session presentation.]. Association for Science Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC.
- Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P., Park Rogers, M., Thompson, M., Cross Francis, D., & Shekell, C. (2021, April 6). Pushing the boundaries: Exploring the potential of an online practice suite to support elementary science teachers in learning how to engage students in argumentation. [Pre-conference workshop]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Click here for workshop slides.
- Mikeska, J. N., Howell, H., Lottero-Perdue, P., & Shekell, C. (2021, May 11-18). Simulation and virtual reality tools in teacher education. [Video presentation]. 2021 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase. Click here for video.
- Mikeska, J. N., & Howell, H. (2021, June 15-17). Using an online simulated classroom as a practice space for mathematics and science preservice teachers. [Conference session]. DRK-12 PI Meeting, Online. Click here for presentation poster.
- Kinsey, D. & Mikeska, J. N. (2024). Optimizing preservice teacher learning with digital teaching simulations: Comparing teachers’ self-assessment and scoring from trained raters. In J. Cohen & G. Solano (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 458-465). Las Vegas, Nevada, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Ataide Pinheiro, W., Kaur Bharaj, P., Cross Francis, D., Kirkpatrick Darwin, T., Esquibel, J., Halder, S. (2024). An investigation of gender biases in teacher-student interaction within a virtual teaching simulator. In C. Lee, L. Bondurant, B. Sapkota, & H. Howell (Eds.), Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Preservice Mathematics Teachers. IGI.
- Lottero-Perdue, P.S., Masters, H.L., Mikeska, J. N., Thompson, M.M., Park Rogers, M., Cross Francis, D. (in press). Elementary preservice teachers’ responsiveness while eliciting students’ initial arguments and encouraging critique in online simulated argumentation discussions. Science Education.
- Lottero-Perdue, P. S., Rillero, P., Liebars, C. S., Goldberg, A., & Reich, J. (2023). Chat-based role play for pre-service teachers to practice eliciting students’ arguments. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 8(3). Retrieved from
- Benedict-Chambers, A., Madden, L., Lottero-Perdue, P., Mikeska, J.N., & Park Rogers, Meredith. (2023). Preservice teachers noticing and positioning students as “knowers” in equitable scientific argumentation-based discussions. In S.L. Finley, P. Correll, C. Pearman, & S. Huffman (Eds.), Cultivating critical discourse in the classroom (pp. 180-193). IGI Global.
- Mikeska, J. N., Shekell, C., Dix, J., & Lottero-Perdue, P.L. (2022). “Unnatural how natural it was”: Using a performance task and simulated classroom for preservice secondary teachers to practice engaging student avatars in scientific argumentation. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 30(3), 341-376.
- Cross Francis, D., Bharaj, P.K., Shekell, C., Howell, H., Park Rogers, M., & Maltese, A. (2022). Tracking Mathematics Teacher Identity Development in Online Simulations: The Case of the Online Practice Suite. Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 1170-1175). Nashville, Tennessee.
- Shekell, C., Mikeska, J. N., Howell, H., Cross Francis, D., Bharaj, P.K., & Dix, J. (2022). Mathematical Argumentation: Alignment of Task Goals with Preservice Teachers’ Enactments in a Simulated Classroom. Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 1275-1282). Nashville, Tennessee.
- Mikeska, J. N., Shekell, C., Maltese, A., Reich, J., Thompson, M.M., Howell, H., Lottero-Perdue, P., & Park Rogers, M. (2022). Exploring the potential of an online suite of practice-based activities for supporting preservice elementary teachers in learning how to facilitate argumentation-focused discussions in mathematics and science. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2000-2010). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Thompson, M., Leonard, G., Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P.S., Maltese, A.V., Pereira, G., Hillaire, G., Waldron, R., Slama, R., & Reich, J. (2022). Eliciting learner knowledge: Enabling focused practice through an open-source online tool. Behavioral Sciences, 12(9), 324-341.
- Howell, H., Cross Francis, D., Bharaj, P. K., & Shekell, C. PST Learning to Facilitate Argumentation via Simulation: Exploring the Role of Understanding and Emotion. In Olanoff, D., Johnson, K., & Spitzer, S. (2021). Proceedings of the forty-third annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 1033-1038). Philadelphia, PA. Click here for published proceedings.
- Mikeska, J. N., Cross Francis, D. I., Lottero-Perdue, P. S., Park Rogers, M. A., Shekell, C., Bharaj, P. K., Howell, H., Maltese, A., Thompson, M. & Reich, J. (2021, December 22). Using Online Simulations to Promote Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Facilitation of Argumentation-Focused Discussions in Mathematics and Science.
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National Science Foundation-funded research facilitates STEM teaching