Cohort Finalists
Cohort 2024 Finalists

Julian Rawlins
Matched with the Bahnson Lab!

Saniya Shine
Matched with the Jensen Lab!

Samyu Ganesh Babu
Matched with the Schisler Lab!

Connor Johnson
Matched with Bahnson and Schisler Lab!

Rama Alsakhita
Matched with the Bautch Lab!

Tristan Moore
Matched with the Dominguez Lab!

Dimitrios Bikas
Matched with the Edwards Lab!

Akash Bhowmik
Matched with the Polacheck Lab!
Cohort 2023 Finalists

Sofia De Oliveira
Matched with the Schisler Lab!

Julian Bailon
Matched with the Jensen Lab!

Mary Linares
Matched with the Bautch Lab!

Aaliyah Bryant
Matched with the Guidice Lab!

Yasmin Leon-Mateo
Matched with the Bahnson Lab!