Curriculum Vitae

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Cardwell, J. (2022). Community perceptions of a floodplain buyout program in Charlotte, North Carolina. Natural Hazards, 1-20.

Cardwell, J. Konrad, C. E. (2022). Trends in recovery aid concentration following Hurricane Florence in North Carolina: exploring the role of physical damage, community vulnerability, and Hurricane Matthew. Environmental Hazards, 1-23.

Cardwell, J. (2022). Examining the shifting role of the human in disaster studies. Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society, 46, 51-55.

Cardwell, J.(2021). Trends in Flood Insurance Behavior Following Hurricanes in North Carolina. North Carolina Geographer, 20, 2-12.


Cardwell, J., Cowan, K. Local News Sentiment Towards FEMA Recovery Efforts after Hurricane Florence in North Carolina. Submitted for Publication.

Cardwell, J. EMS Response Time Under Flood Scenarios in Western North Carolina. Submitted for Publication.


Martin, A., Cardwell, J., Mundt, J., Kramer, R., Beckham, T. 2019. North Carolina Climate Risk Assessment and Resilience Plan, Chapter 4: Climate Justice, State of North Carolina