Open Hours
Hyatt Library (Woollen Gym 310)
Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00PM
We hope to increase queer-related visibility and support by hosting open office hours. This would not be an opportunity for queer-related education. Rather, it would serve as a safe space in which queer individuals and allies could meet, talk with I-WERQ leadership, study, or socialize.
I-WERQ-OWT (Open Workout Time)
Woollen Gym, Room 021 (LFIT Gym)
Fridays, 8:00-10:00 AM
The LFIT gym will be open for all UNC-affiliated queer individuals and allies to work out. Please note that this is a small workout facility with limited equipment. Please feel free to stop by to see what equipment is available and if this space may fit within your fitness and exercise goals.
I-WERQ Journal Club
We intend to host a monthly journal club that focuses on a series of queer health-related topics. This would be open to all UNC faculty, staff, and students. We plan to begin the journal club in Spring 2024.