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Inclusion by Design Syllabus Assessment Tool

This assessment tool allows you to analyze your syllabus across many areas of course design.

Open Syllabus Project

This open-source project aggregates syllabi across disciplines and around the world, with over 6 million syllabi uploaded. You can use it to explore common reading assigned in your field, and find alternate ones.

Gender Balance Assessment Tool

This tool estimates the gender balance of your course content. You must upload a reading/resource list with authors’ full names. You can also check the racial balance of your course using this tool, which uses another algorithm to estimate the racial identities of course authors based on names.

Accessibility Resources and Services (ARS)


SASB North (Student and Academic Services Building – North)

400 Ridge Road, Suite 2126,CB #7214 Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Phone: (919) 962-8300 (voicemail only)


LD and ADHD Support Services

Accessibility Syllabus

Accessibility Syllabus Project

Library Disability Services

Report a Bias

The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office handles student, employee, and visitor reports of discrimination and
harassment based on age, color, disability, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex (including gender,
gender expression, or gender identity), sexual orientation, and veteran status. This includes reports of sexual
misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. The EOC office also handles reports of relationship
violence and stalking

Safe at UNC

SAFE.UNC.EDU is the main portal for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and visitors at UNC-Chapel Hill
for resources and information about discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking.
It includes information not only about the response and prevention work of EOC, but also of our campus and community
partners. The website was created by UNC-Chapel Hill departments, offices, and centers that provide response and
prevention services. You have the option to report to law enforcement and/or the University. Individuals can report to
both of these spaces, only one, or neither. You can also choose to report anonymously (without identifying yourself).

University Ombuds

The University Ombuds Office is a safe place where all Carolina staff, faculty, students and administrators are welcome
to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, problem, or dispute. Our office supplements, but does not
replace, the University’s formal channels, such as the grievance policy.

Carolina Ethics Line

Carolina Ethics Line provides a simple, anonymous way to report possible unethical or improper conduct, and/or
violations of University policies and procedures, regulations, or state and federal laws. Carolina Ethics Line is not
intended to replace existing channels of communication and reporting systems on campus. It is available as an additional
platform if you do not feel comfortable telling your supervisor or the designated University office about your concerns

Gender Violence Services

The Gender Violence Services Coordinators (GVSCs) provide confidential support and advocacy for all students
(undergraduate and graduate), faculty, staff, and postdocs of all identities who have experienced or have been impacted
by gender-based violence or harassment before or during their time at UNC-Chapel Hill. This may include experiences of
gender-based discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, interpersonal (relationship) violence,
and stalking

Workplace Violence

Violent acts, whether on-duty or off-duty, affect the ability of all employees to perform their jobs. The University
will apply all useful management tools to accomplish the dual purpose of reducing the effects of violence on victims and
the University community as well as hold perpetrators of violence accountable for their actions. Prohibited behaviors
include, but are not limited to: intimidation, bullying, stalking, threats, physical attack, property damage, or
domestic and family violence. This includes acts of violence committed by or against University employees. Such
incidents may also involve students, clients, visitors or vendors

For Urgent Concerns:

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

  • For life-threatening medical or mental health emergency, call 911
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 (800) 273-8255
  • Crisis Text Line, Text START to 741-741

24/7 Hotline (919) 966-3658