Lightning Talks about Diagnostics

Hello everyone! My name is Sophie Nachman and I am an MPH student in the EQUITY concentration. This summer for my practicum I have been working with the Mérieux Foundation, an organization based in Lyon, France which focuses on access to diagnostics and other public health research around the globe. Each year they host the Advanced Course in Diagnostics (ACDx), a week-long event dedicated to discussing diagnostics policy, development, and implementation to address public health issues. Participants include laboratory scientists, health professionals, decision-makers, and researchers from around the world, mostly from LMICs.

One of the core goals of the course is to spur collaboration and networking. To aid in this goal, one of my projects this summer has been to organize a series of video lightning talks with the incoming cohort of participants. For this series, we asked participants to record a three-minute video presentation about a topic of their choosing related to diagnostics. Historically, participants do not meet each other before ACDx in the fall so our primary goal for this project was to start building community among the incoming cohort in the months leading up to ACDx. Our secondary goal was to identify participants to speak on panels or round-table discussions during ACDx in September. We identified three topics from the ACDx agenda to serve as guides, and invited participants to record lightning talks related to those topics if they were interested in participating in those panel discussions.

We hosted a Zoom meeting in June to introduce the lightning talks project where we discussed our goals, potential topics, and covered open access and widely available presentation tools. We then gave participants one month to record their presentation. Of the 35 participants, we received 16 lightning talks about a variety of topics, including COVID-19, malaria, polio, climate change and diagnostics, domestic manufacturing of diagnostics, and tools and policies to increase access in rural communities and conflict zones. Since receiving the videos, we have started posting the videos in a WhatsApp group for the current cohort a few times per week and invited folks to post questions and comments. We will continue to post these videos regularly for the next several weeks to build community within the incoming cohort, start conversations about innovative research in diagnostics, and get people excited about ACDx in September.

Based on the topics participants chose, we have invited people to participate in panel discussions in ACDx. We also intend to build on the video project during a session about designing videos for health communication during ACDx, and I appreciate the support from Gillings that will enable me to attend the course in September. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the ACDx team so far, and learning about the interesting work that ACDx participants are doing to improve availability and access to diagnostics all over the world.

-Sophie Nachman

My Final Weeks in Bangkok: Thoughts, Lessons, and Takeaways

As I wrap up the final weeks of my practicum with the Kenan Foundation Asia, I’ve also been reflecting on my time in Thailand and lessons I’ve learned from living in Bangkok.

My experience working with Kenan has taught me a lot about the unexpected challenges that public health workers face and how finding solutions for them isn’t always clear-cut. For example, during one weekend, my team visited one of the Burmese migrant communities living in Thailand (I was unfortunately out with COVID and devastated to have not been able to go) to get to know them and discuss potential sexual and reproductive health (SRH) interventions. The original plan had been to introduce SRH concepts through pamphlets or workshops, but upon meeting with the community, my team found out that some of the members were illiterate. Literacy was something we had never considered to be a potential challenge, and we had to modify some of the ideas we had to include activities that didn’t require literacy.

One of my deliverables was to write a recommendations report for how Kenan could communicate and disseminate SRH concepts and materials to the migrant and factory worker communities. After my team shared their experience from visiting the migrant community, I had to change some of my recommendations to be more equitable for all members of each community. One method I found while researching SRH education activities was an exercise called body-mapping, which consisted of participants each using a life-sized body diagram to label the anatomical body parts used in reproduction and sexual activities and answering questions pertaining to their beliefs and knowledge in SRH topics. This activity could be performed by the literate members writing down the labels and answers to the questions and illiterate members using an interpreter or discussion facilitator to explain their reasoning. I found body-mapping to be an interesting and unique approach to introducing communities to SRH topics because it allows public health practitioners to gain insight on the communities’ initial beliefs and potential misconceptions about SRH.

The deliverable that I am currently finishing is the creation of nutrition education modules for people across all life stages living in Thailand. I’ve included topics such as pregnancy nutrition, postpartum nutrition, infant nutrition, and child/adolescent nutrition. I first had to do research on what kinds of nutritional challenges Thailand was facing, which I found to be really interesting comparing Thailand to the U.S. and seeing how different food policies impact certain areas of nutritional health. For example, many of the packaged foods in Thailand do not have comprehensive nutritional labeling and often only provide information on the entire package rather than serving size. Thailand, along with other low and middle-income countries, is also currently experiencing a concept called the “double burden of malnutrition”, which occurs when there is a coexistence of undernutrition (stunting and wasting) and overnutrition (overweight/obesity). These issues all contribute to poor nutritional status, especially in children and pregnant people. Using the information I found from my research, I was able to tailor the modules to address specific nutrition concerns for people living in Thailand.

Through my practicum experience with the Kenan Foundation Asia, I began to truly enjoy research in nutrition policy and nutrition education dissemination. As an MPH student with a concentration in Nutrition, I am confident that the concepts I’ve learned while working on my deliverables will allow me to succeed in my future career in public health nutrition. I am particularly excited to delve deeper into nutrition policy in my Nutrition Policy class (NUTR 805) this fall semester.

Overall, my experience living and working in Bangkok has been extremely positive, and I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity and resources that helped bring me here. Bangkok is a city that is one-of-a-kind, with its diverse population, abundant street food options, and rich history. The people living here are exceptionally warm and will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and welcomed. As I transition back to living in Carrboro, my heart will always have a soft spot for Thailand and the wonderful memories I made in Bangkok.

-Michelle Lee

Invisibilities: Exploring Identities & Stories of Trans Community Members & Leaders in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

As a public health professional and as a child of immigrants, I have always been drawn to diving into the diverse perspectives that shape different populations’ realities and, ultimately, their health outcomes. When the opportunity arose to embark on a project focused on interviewing and surveying HIV positive trans community in Santo Domingo, I knew it was a chance to engage in meaningful conversations and shed light on stories often overlooked – especially in the Latin American context. Now that I have finished my summer practicum with the Unidad de Vacuna e Investigación at the Instituto Dominicano de Dermatología y Cirugía de la Piel (IDCP), I have taken some time to reflect on the diversity and layered experiences shared with me by trans community members.

From the moment I stepped into this project, I was captivated by the resilience, strength, and diversity amongst the trans individuals I had the privilege of speaking with. Each person had a unique story to tell, shaped by their experiences, struggles, and triumphs. These stories painted a vivid picture of the challenges the trans community faces in a patriarchal society that often misconstrues, mistreats and marginalizes them. Machismo is rampant in Dominican culture, as is it is in all of Latin America, that is very much a remnant of the country’s colonization period. As one trans leader explained, that individuals – particularly men – who exhibit chauvinistic behavior are often called “Trujillista”. This term comes from the country’s brutal dictator that reigned between 1930 to 1961, Rafael Trujillo, referring to the belligerent behavior implemented by his armed forces at the time. It was fascinating to see how the country’s dark past informs the coinage of a term that oppresses such a marginalized community.

One of the most important aspects of this project, whether in qualitative interviews or administering surveys, was creating a safe and welcoming space for these vulnerable conversations – which often covered topics such as sexual/domestic abuse, drug use, and mental health. It was crucial to establish an environment where individuals felt comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We held the interviews and surveys in locations where participants felt secure, facilitated them through a consent process and assured them that their identities would not be tied to the information that would be shared with us. Many explained that their biggest fear was having their HIV status disclosed to other trans sex workers in the study, which could cause a domine effect that may trigger rival trans sex workers to tell potential clients and thus hindering their ability to secure customers.

The entire research team – including primary investigators, participant recruiters,
psychologists, and MPH Practicum students.

Throughout the conversations, all participants shared annecdotes reflecting the preconceived notions and misconceptions Dominican society have against the trans community, particularly those that are HIV positive. It was disheartening to hear about the discrimination, stigma, and lack of compassion the community faces, typically perpetrated by their own family members, employers and law enforcement. Nonetheless, it was also inspiring to witness many of their determination to challenge these misconceptions and advocate for their rights through grass roots efforts. What struck me the most was the sense of responsibility of older trans women to give back and carve a path for the younger generations of trans women. Several community leaders I spoke were all involved some form of capacity building – supporting local trans NGOs through health education, political advocacy, or vocational training efforts. All shared how there is a dire need to equip trans women, at a young age, with education as their main armor to be used against the patriarchy. Despite the hardships the community endures, there is overwhelming pride in the visibility of trans women that continues to grow due to the growing presence of trans-serving NGOs in the area such as TRANSSA and COTRAVETED. These organizations are committed to unifying the community, empowerment, and personal/professional development opportunities for LGBTQI+ individuals in the DR.

Leading a mock survey interview to test interview facilitation best practices.

The experiences and stories shared during my interviews and surveys underscored the urgent need for advocacy, education, and awareness. It is the responsibility of the Dominican government to give legitimacy and a platform to amplify the voices of trans women, challenge stereotypes, and work toward creating a more inclusive and accepting society. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have connected with the trans community in Santo Domingo. The Dominican Republic will always have a piece of my heart – from its kind people, delicious food, rhythmic music, balmy nights and the ice-cold Presidente beer shared with friends at the park during the sunset – it is truly a gem in the Caribbean. I can’t wait to go back and, not only see how the study has unfolded, but also to be enveloped by the lively feel of the country.  As I continue to process the insights gained from this experience, I am reminded why I chose to become a public health professional. By lending our ears, hearts, and actions to those who often go unheard, we can collectively build a world where everyone’s story is celebrated, valued, and ultimately, respected.

Stunning sunset from Las Terrenas beach in the northwestern region of the country.

-Tiffiany Portacio