A little bit of global health in the summertime: reflection

Rachel E. during her latest excursion in Southeast Asia
Rachel E. during her latest excursion in Southeast Asia

Although it hasn’t been very long since I last wrote, it feels like it’s been months! This summer has been filled with all things SRH (sexual and reproductive health) as I took a deep dive into the causalities of unintended pregnancies and contraception use in Thailand. My work with Kenan Foundation Asia has allowed me to gain much-needed insight into the inequities of SRH services and access for women and adolescents – specifically female immigrant and migrant workers and young girls. My contribution lays down some of the groundwork to advocate for policy change and the implementation phase of the organization’s SMART Family Planning program for factory and migrant workers around Bangkok and northern Thailand.

My practicum was a bit challenging as there was limited data on unintended pregnancies in the Thai context despite the Ministry of Public Health recognizing this is an increasing issue. However, this showcased to myself and the organization that further research needs to be conducted to fully understand the causality pathways that can lead to unintended pregnancies. Another challenge I faced was not knowing how time-consuming creating a questionnaire would be. My initial timeline did not account for such an iterative process! But nonetheless, it helped me to understand the framework of asking questions to gain additional perspective on the issue.

Despite these unexpected challenges with my practicum, I’m thankful for the opportunity to work on the early stages of what I know (or at least hope!) will be a transformative program for these communities in addressing gaps in family planning. When I was searching for a practicum, I knew I wanted to direct my efforts on working with an organization that focuses on East/Southeast Asia. Thus, Kenan Foundation Asia seemed like the best fit for me especially given my previous experience working in contraception development and introduction. I’m so glad that I got to expand my global health experience in a region I’m very passionate about and gain further insight into program planning and development. I’m looking forward to the next steps that the organization will take in ensuring more inclusive and quality SRH services for these communities as well as my own next steps in my academic and professional career.

– Rachel E.

A little bit of global health in the summertime

Rachel E.
Rachel E.

Somewhere a person is running to make it to the next terminal, rushing to hand in their ticket to the flight attendant, and breathing a sigh of relief as they settle into their seat with a few minutes to spare before departure. I, on the other hand, in a less chaotic atmosphere, leisurely walk into the kitchen, put the kettle on, and settle in at my desk within a few minutes of a Zoom call.

This summer I will be completing my practicum with Kenan Foundation Asia, an NGO headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. For over 25 years, Kenan Foundation Asia has been working to “inspire students, develop skilled people, and grow strong leaders” in Thailand and Vietnam in areas of economic development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), and social inclusion efforts. They’ve been able to establish multiple partnerships with a variety of organizations such as the Thailand Ministry of Science and Technology, the Thailand Ministry of Education, the Citi Foundation, Boeing, Facebook, USAID, and the US Department of State.

Policy Declaration Ceremony for “Smart Family Planning for Women” project. Photo courtesy of Kenan Foundation Asia
Policy Declaration Ceremony for “Smart Family Planning for Women” project. Photo courtesy of Kenan Foundation Asia

Throughout the duration of the practicum, I will be primarily working on the organization’s newly launched, “Smart Family Planning for Women” project in collaboration with Organon Ltd, and Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health. The project is focused on creating sustainable practices and inclusivity for quality births among women living in Thailand. The study will be engaging with factory workers and migrant workers from Myanmar and Laos in improving overall reproductive health outcomes and advocating for the needs of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services within these communities. As a result of this practicum, I will be developing a literature review regarding family planning and contraceptive technologies resulting in a white paper, and designing data collection strategies and instruments for the research team to utilize. As I work to strengthen my skills in study implementation and program development, I’m also looking forward to furthering my understanding of health inequities among underserved communities in Thailand and the process of establishing sustainable development practices in a global setting.

An island off the coast of Thailand
An island off the coast of Thailand

Despite completing my practicum remotely, I know the impact carries the same weight if I were to have been abroad (although, I am bummed about missing out on all the delicious food!). The next few weeks will be nothing short of an enriching experience.

Until next time!

-Rachel E.