Impacting Local Health: Program design and great people


I enjoyed my time with the Orange County Health Department Environmental Division (OCHD) because I was able to meet such fun and knowledge people, experience all the facets of environmental health in Orange County and grow my skill set. My practicum opportunity with the OCHD Environmental Division increased my knowledge on project design and implementation while giving me the freedom to be creative with the Healthy Homes Program products. I was also lucky to be able to go on multiple site visits for new house builds, pool and food inspections, sanitation and water related issues, and emergency management inventory. I was able to see the health disparities in Orange County and learn about the ways OCHD is trying to create equity through their programs, policies, and community involvement.

By the end of my practicum experience, while working alongside the Environmental Health Director, I had helped to redesign the OCHD Health Homes Program which strives to create more safe and healthy homes for families and individuals. The products I helped to create include an assessment tool, a draft of the new Healthy Homes policy and procedures, an updated job description for the new Healthy Homes Coordinator (who was hired just as I left), a revamped OCHD Healthy Homes webpage, and resources and partnerships for the program going forward.

I look forward to what this Healthy Homes Program will achieve in Orange County and am excited to meet with the OCHD Healthy Homes Coordinator and Environment Health Director to hear more about how the program implementation is going. I hope to stay connected with OCHD because I was able to work alongside great people, gain knowledge on local health outcomes and disparities, and grow in my professional development.
