
[1] Alexa Tomlinson, B.A. Candidate, Effects of role playing as an active learning strategy on student sense of classroom community and STEM Identity.

[2] Alex Longo, M.S. Candidate, Preliminary Results from the HOTTech-2 Venus Weathering Experiment/The Mars Astrobiology, Resource, and Science Explorer (MARSE) Mission Concept.

[3] Vincent White, B.S. Candidate, Phytoplankton physiology: diel trends across contrasting ocean basins.

[4] Prisca Lim, M.S. Candidate, Elucidating drivers of marine protist diversity and connectivity in the Galápagos Archipelago using DNA metabarcoding.

[5] Mingying Chuo, Ph.D. Candidate, Light limitation of phytoplankton growth in Albemarle Sound, NC.

[6] Ankit Singh, B.S. Candidate, Marine Eukarya Growth Rates in Nitrate Replete Conditions.

[7] Klodia Badal, B.S. Candidate, Viewing Euprymna berryi as a host in Testing Vibrio Fischeri.

[8] Bhavyaa Tyagi, Ph.D. Candidate, Cell density as a potential regulator for type VI secretion system in vibrio fischeri.

[9] Damian Donoso-Tapia, Ph.D. Candidate, Exhumed Serpentinites and their Tectonic Significance in Non-collisional Orogens.

[10] Alexis Lopez, Ph.D. Candidate, Investigating the source of the granodiorite dikes through radiogenic isotope systems at Buffalo Valley Mine, NV.

[11] Lina Koschik, Ph.D. Candidate, Utilizing glauconitic sediments as a proxy to assess the potential for authigenic clay minerals as a novel source of rare earth elements.

[12] Kristy Blough, B.S. Candidate, Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of the Sentinel Granodiorite, Yosemite National Park.

[13] Ami Ward, Ph.D. Candidate, Titanite Chemistry in the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, CA.

[14] Anna Strickland, Ph.D. Candidate, Origin of metatrondjhemite blocks within subduction-interface, serpentinite mélanges: Perspectives from the North Motagua Mélange, Guatemala.

[15] Matthew Paris, M.S. Candidate, Evaluating fault displacement-length scaling in the Saline Range, eastern California.

[16] William Hefner, Ph.D. Candidate, Climate modulates topography along the southern Cascadia forearc.

[17] Clara DiVincenzo, B.S. Candidate, Short-term depth transplant causes trophic and physiological shifts in a temperate coral.

[18] Stephanie Peak, Ph.D. Candidate, Using Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Methods to Investigate Genes Involved in Cnidarian-Algal Symbiosis.

[19] Jamie Long, B.S. Candidate, Seasonal Variation of Symbiont Density and Chlorophyll a of the Temperate, Facultatively Symbiotic Coral Oculina arbuscula on the North Carolina Coast.

[20] Troye Curtin, B.S. Candidate, Seasonal changes in Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in Oculina arbuscula.

[21] Maya Powell, Ph.D. Candidate, Symbionts to the rescue: Symbiodiniaceae facilitates coral survival in extreme, marginal environments.

[22] Hunter Hughes, Ph.D. Candidate, Synthetic and Practical Reconstructions of SST and Seawater pH Using the Novel Multiproxy SMITE Method.

[23] Garrett Braniecki, Ph.D. Candidate, Refining a ∆47 Paleotemperature Calibration in the Bivalve Mercenaria spp. to Reconstruct Deep-time Seasonality.

[24] Helena Garcia, Ph.D. Candidate, Validation of Machine Learning Methods for Reconstructing Repetitive Flood Damage Exposure in North Carolina, 1996-2020.

[25] John Baer, M.S. Candidate, Validating a Hydrodynamic Inundation Model for Five Storm Events in a Coastal Urban Area.

[26] Isabela Arauz, M.S. Candidate, Strategic Location of Flow-Control Obstructions for Saltwater Intrusion Resilience in Coastal Freshwater Forests on the North American Coastal Plain.

[27] Hunter Quintal, Ph.D. Candidate, Assessing spatiotemporal covariance in precipitation and WBGT across the Carolinas.

[28] Lauren Grimley, Ph.D. Candidate, Present and Future Compound Flooding from Tropical Cyclones in the Carolinas.

[29] Anna Cecil, B.S. Candidate, Gaining a Clutch on Sand Tiger “Sea Dogs” Using Spot-a-Shark USA.

[30] Sally Dowd, Ph.D. Candidate, Blue Crab Predators in a North Carolina Estuarine System: Do prey items enhance predictions of predator abundance?

[31] Eve Eisemann, Ph.D. Candidate, Natural intertidal oyster reef loss due to marsh encroachment.

[32] Yasamin Sharifi, Ph.D. Candidate, Quantifying Blue Carbon Burial in North Carolina Seagrass Meadows.

[33] Olivia Key, B.S. Candidate, Resilience of Seagrass and Associated Carbon Stocks to Storms.

[34] Joshua Himmelstein, Ph.D. Candidate, Shifting sands: Characterizing the response and recovery of barrier islands to distinct hurricane impacts.

[35] Benton Franklin, Ph.D. Candidate, Predicting barrier island shrub presence using remote sensing data and machine learning.

[36] Sofia Gurevich, M.S. Candidate, Planning Coastal Dune Fieldwork: Exploring Carbon Dynamics and their Impact on the Barrier Island Carbon Budget.

[37] Julianne Davis, Ph.D. Candidate, Fine sediment transport and storage in a complex boreal river.

[38] Marissa Hughes, Ph.D. Candidate, Comparison of SWOT Against In-Situ and Airborne Data on a Braided River: A Waimakariri River Case Study.

[39] Sean Hart, Ph.D. Candidate, Friction Associated with Oscillatory Flow Over a Multiscale Random Bottom.

[40] Jianxing Wang, Ph.D. Candidate, Interplay Between Wind-Driven Advection and Mixing of Salt and Dissolved Oxygen in a Microtidal Estuary.

[41] Yubeen Jeong, Ph.D. Candidate, Long-Term Analysis on the Gulf Stream Variability at Cape Hatteras Using High-Frequency Radar Surface Current Observations.

[42] Victor Hieu Nguyen, B.S. Candidate, Characterization of the Hatteras Front using Shelf Glider Deployments During PEACH Project.