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Welcome to the Early Learning Lab at the University of North Carolina’s School of Education!

Research Focus

Parent Involvement

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Parent-Child Intervention

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Our project, in collaboration with the Brain and Early Experience (BEE) Lab at UNC Chapel Hill, aims to explore the intricate relationship between parental linguistic input, brain development, and language outcomes in young children.

Reach Every Reader is a collaborative effort between the Early Learning Lab at UNC Chapel Hill, Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Florida Center for Reading Research.

Our project, in collaboration with the Brain and Early Experience (BEE) Lab at UNC Chapel Hill, aims to explore the intricate relationship between parental linguistic input, brain development, and language outcomes in young children.

Meet the Team

Get to Know Our Lab Members

Kathryn Leech

Dorentina Dedushaj

Coltan Compton


If you are a prospective student, we welcome you to explore our website and learn more about our work. Please visit our Prospective Students page for ways to get involved in the lab.

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