COMP 293

Course Number and Section: COMP 293-136

Instructor: Shahriar Nirjon (


How to Register:

Response to Frequently Asked Questions about Enrollment:

To enroll into COMP 293, all you need to do is to submit a completed learning contract through the OLCM system. The form looks like this ( Note that this requires a signature from a contact person at the company. In case you cannot have them sign it, attach the offer letter or any other correspondences with their HR along with the learning contract form.

When filling out the form, please elaborate the work responsibility and tell us why this is related to computer science, e.g., what software/hardware/platform/language you will learn. For the 2-week confirmation, use the date which is the second week of your internship. For summer sessions, you can either enroll in SS1 or SS2. Even if you enroll in SS1, your final assignment/reflection/letter will be due on the exam days of SS2.

After you submit the contract in the OLCM, your contract will be evaluated by multiple faculty in a chain. This could take several days as applications are processed in batches and some applications are sent back-and-forth between you and the faculty who is evaluating the contract. Hence, submit early and do not wait until the last days before the deadline. The OLCM system closes after a certain deadline and when it closes, it closes for all (both you and the faculty who evaluates the contract).

Once the learning contract is approved, you will see the status of your application “ready to schedule.” This means, your application has been approved by the instructor. Someone from the student services, e.g., Denise (kenney AT or Brandon (bbyrd AT, will enroll you manually in the Connect Carolina at some point before the course registration deadline. You should not enroll yourself in the Connect Carolina. Throughout the process, you will only interact with the OLCM system to see if your learning contact has been approved or any additional documents are necessary.

If you are an international student, you will perhaps need a CPT. Please note that it’s a separate process than the learning contract. For CPT, you will have to directly contact ISSS and follow their instructions. ISSS will send me an internal email through their system to verify if you are eligible for CPT or not. Upon receiving that verification request from ISSS, I will check OLCM if your learning contract has been approved by at least the instructor (which is me) before I can verify the CPT eligibility.

Once the semester begins, I will create a Sakai site for this course and you will submit three assignments (2 week check-in, final report, and final letter) through Sakai. Their details are in the syllabus. If you have enrolled in SS1, your grade will be temporarily set to “IN” and will be replaced with actual grade at the end of SS2.