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Publication Acknowledgments:

For all publications resulting from the use of instrumentation in the NMR Core Laboratory, please include in the publication acknowledgements:

“We thank the University of North Carolina’s Department of Chemistry NMR Core Laboratory for the use of their NMR spectrometers.”


If an NMR staff member has contributed to the work use:

“We thank the University of North Carolina’s Department of Chemistry NMR Core Laboratory for the use of their NMR spectrometers and especially, <person’s name>, for their assistance with NMR spectroscopy.”  Or specify their contribution instead of “NMR spectroscopy”.



Additional acknowledgements for individual spectrometers:

For all publications resulting from the use of the

  • Bruker AVANCE III Nanobay 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer (“400NB”/”autoNMR”)
  • Bruker AVANCE III 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer (“500”)
  • Or the Bruker AVANCE III 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer (“B600”):

“This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CHE-0922858.”

If you are not utilizing this acknowledgment in articles or papers published for scientific, technical or professional journals, you must also include the following disclaimer:

“Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”


For all publications resulting from the use of the Bruker AVANCE NEO 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer (“NEO600”):

“This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.  CHE-1828183.”

If you are not utilizing this acknowledgment in articles or papers published for scientific, technical or professional journals, you must also include the following disclaimer:

“Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”


For all publications resulting from the use of the Bruker AVANCE NEO 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer (“NEO400”) and the Bruker DMX 360 (“360”) do not require funding acknowledgements since they were funded by campus sources.