Carolina Impact Investment Fund
Since 2018, the members of the Impact Investing Club at UNC Chapel Hill have been working to research and follow the trends in the impact investing space, including the activity amongst our peers at other undergraduate impact clubs.
We have noticed the rising prevalence of impact-oriented Student Managed Investment Funds (SMIFs) at the undergraduate level, and UNC Impact Investing hopes to join the ranks of these progressive organizations in higher education in starting our own Climate Resiliency themed Fund.
Network Expansion.
Along with Impact Investing Club alumni, students who manage the fund will have the opportunity to connect with our dedicated advisors and partners, who provide invaluable perspectives and insight into the impact investing world.
A Rare Experience.
While the prevalence of Student Managed Investment Funds and close alternatives is rising, the opportunity for an in-depth-hands-on experience in investment management during undergrad is rare. Managers for the Climate Resilience Fund will learn the principles of impact investing and investment management through dedicated advisors, professional, and senior managers.
Skill Development.
Students who manage the Climate Resilience Fund will develop hard skills in data and portfolio analytics, word processing, and soft skills like communication, interpersonal intelligence, and leadership. All of which, prove valuable in investment management and other areas of study.
The Proposal.
Read our Team’s investment proposal below.
The Process.
Read more about our screening process below.