
Hello Tar Heels! The Carolina Health Samaritan Society is inviting new members to join for the 2022 – 2023 Academic Year. CHSS strives to provide a strong platform for Carolina students to create opportunities to immerse themselves in scientific and medical-related research at the UNC Hospital and do their part in community service organizations and volunteer in Orange County.

We aim to connect our members to health-related opportunities and research events. We also host guest speakers, medical seminars, as well as admissions panels. CHSS also works with local physicians and STEM researchers to create shadowing and lab-based opportunities so that students can apply their classroom learnings to real-life scenarios and develop a deeper understanding for healthcare. Membership is completely free as we are interested in doing volunteer and outreach through various programs that don’t require dues.

CHSS also works with various organizations within Chapel Hill, as well as national organizations, to allow students to connect with their community. These organizations include UNC School of Medicine/UNC Hospital, UNC Dental School, Ronald McDonald House, UNICEF, and many others.

To become a member and be added to our listserv, please fill out this interest form: Click Here