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Welcome to the UNC Tectonics and Geomorphology Lab.

Topography at the Earth’s surface results from a complex interplay among climate, erosion, and tectonics.  The forces that build and support mountain ranges drive active faulting, deformation and earthquakes, while erosion and mass redistribution by surface processes sculpt the landscape and transport sediment to the oceans.  Mountains store freshwater as glaciers, supply drinking water to a significant fraction of the global population, and support tremendous biodiversity.  In UNC’s Tectonics and Geomorphology (TaG) Lab, we study the ways in which the erosion of mountain landscapes responds to both tectonics and climate, how mountain belts have evolved in the geologic past, and the natural hazards that result from earthquakes, landslides, and floods today.  We employ a combination of field work, quantitative analysis of topography, and measurements of erosion rate to address these questions.

The links at the top of the page will allow you to discover more about our research, teaching and outreach activities.

As a final note, this website is under construction.  Thanks for your patience with our mess.
